Chapter 7.

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*Arianna's pov*

I sigh and go inside. I see Laetitia awake watching TV. She comes running to me and looks at me with those big, worried eyes. When she's finished with looking at me like that , she does her mouth open and says, ''OMG, WHERE WERE YOU? I WAS SO WORRIED! WHAT HAPPENED??'' She keeps asking. I shrugged.

I think it's cute that she's so worried about me. I enjoy this for a moment until I start to wiggle with my eyebrows. She falls in silent and looks at me like I just said that I'm pregnant. ''Noooo? Nooo? No you did not ...?'' She says with her biggest smile.

We understand each other without words. ''Yes, I was on a date with Ha-'' I could not even finish my sentence when she started to fangirl. Typically, here am I with my best friend in this whole wide world who's dancing like crazy freak. I smirk at her and join her with her crazy dancemoves.

''And how was your date with Harry? Tell me everything!'' She squeeled when she finally calmed down and also after thinking she won't faint anymore. Well I think anyways. We walk over to the couch and I start to tell her. Here and there she fangirled again but I understand because I've been on a date with HARRY FREAKING STYLES.

''And then we kissed.'' I say with a shy smile and I feel my cheeks warming up. ''OMG, YOU NAUGHTY GIRL'' she yells. I start to laugh and she starts making kissing noises.

Oh no, there she goes again. ''Oh Harry, kiss me one more time'' she says with kissing noises. Now I start to laugh even harder, how I love her anyways.

Now it's my turn. ''And do you have heard anything from Zayn?'' Laetitia stops immediately with her sounds and begins to blush. ''Eh .. not really no'' I see her joy is converted into uncertainty. Ergh, how stupid can I be?

''Hey, cheer up, I'm sure Zayn likes you, maybe you should know each other better?'' I say to comfort her. ''Yes, I guess you're right.'' She says quietly.

''And that's why I suggest to go on a double date! Me and Harry and You and Zayn! That would be really nice!'' I say.

 ''Yes! But wouldn't Harry mind?'' She asks. ''Of course not! Or otherwise I'll puke on him.'' She starts to laugh and I laugh along. 

After a few minutes of laughing I get up and walk over to the kitchen. ''So what are we gonna do tonight?'' I ask. ''We can watch a movie?'' She suggests. ''Which movie?''

''Ooooh let's watch Toy Story 2 . It has been such a long time since we haven't seen it.'' she says enthusiastically. ''Ok then we will watch toy story!''

''Liam should be proud of you!'' I sheer. ''Haha ofcourse why not?!'' We laugh.


*Zayn's pov*

After an hour or five we hear Harry opening the door. We were playing some video games while chatting and laughing. Liam was doing a twitcam like usual.

''So how's the date?'' Niall asks. ''Ehhr, nothing much.'' Harry answers. We all can see he's lying. Whenever he doesn't look us in the eyes he's mostly lying or else he's nervous. I doubt that.

''Hazz I can see you're lying.'' Liam tells him. ''Alright, it was amazing. She's sweet, funny, beautiful, smart and easy to hang with. Just perfect.'' He says blushing.

See I told you he was lying. He seems very happy with her. I wish I had someone to pick her up and bring her flowers and watch movies until she falls asleep in my arms. So that I can take pictures of her and than when she wakes up I will tell her how beautiful she is and kiss her forehead. Oh how I wish. Harry is one lucky boy.

''So did you kiss eachother or?'' Louis asks. ''Eh yeah kinda I guess.'' Harry answers shyly.

''Oh my Nando's! Not again? And how was it?'' Niall asks taking a bite from his chicken. ''Well, I don't want to sound cheesy but ehh- I kinda felt sparks..'' Harry says.

''Sparks?'' I ask. ''Yeah you know, like they say in stories and movies. It was perfect. And we probably will be going on a second da-'' Liam cuts him off by saying ''Second date? Oh my God, Hazz I'm so proud of you!'' Liam gives him a hug. 

''I wish I could go on a date..'' I say quietly. Hopefully no one's heard that- ''What happened with you and Perrie?'' Louis asks.

''I'd rather not talk about it.'' I say and walk away.

Truth is, I still love her and I need someone to get her off my mind. We broke up 3 weeks ago. She said she wanted to be friends since we wouldn't be seeing each other in 7 months. It broke my heart. But I can't let no one know. So I pretend I'm okay. 

Life is hard..


Author's Note: Hi! I hadn't post yesterday because I hadn't any inspiration. Luckily there's my friend who helps me. She let's just say she wrote 3/4 of this chapter. Thank you Laura.

In this chapter you can see that Arianna & Laetitia are very close. So yay! Oh and btw I know Zayn and Perrie are still together but I just need Zayn single in this story, kay?

Btw; what would Harry & Arianna's ship name be? Harrianna? Arry? Harianna? idk let me know :3

So hope you liked it :) [ Vote, Comment & Follow? ]

Lots of love, Adriana.xx

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