Chapter 20.

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*Harry's pov*

''So what's your plan actually?'' Lae asked.

''I don't know if it will even work, but at least I've got an idea. So I was thinking, you'd bring Arianna to a club and I-''

''club? Harry do you remember what happened last time? She nearly killed you. We can't go trough that again.''

''Yeah, but.'' I pouted. She was right. I didn't really have a plan. I was expecting she would fall in my arms. Guess that only exists in movies. I made her cry two times. I couldn't let her hurt another thime. I need to come back with something that'll make everything alright. Even if it's impossible.

''Look Harry, I know you really want to make it up to her. But you need to come back with something better.'' She said smiling genuinely.

''I know. But she got me going crazy, I can't even think propely without her. This may sound cheesy, but whenever we'd touch I felt sparks even when we'd kiss.''

''Aww, she told me the same. If two people are meant to be, they'll find their way back. Don't forget that.'' She grabbed her coffee, and walked away giving me a quick side hug. 

Those last words she said kept replaying in my head.

If two people are meant to be, they'll find their way back.

*Arianna's pov*

I was watching TV in the living room, when I heard the door shut. I guess Lae was back. I entered the kitchen where she was currently standing. 

''How was your meeting?'' I smirked, walking towards her.

''It was interesting.'' She shrugged.

''Interesting? That's all?'' I questioned. I knew when Lae was lying she wouldn't meet my gaze. Her eyes will never meet mine. And right now, I knew she was lying.

''Uhh yeah, what did you do?''

''The question is what did you do?'' I shot back.

''Ari, I can't tell. But soon or later you'll understand.'' She sighed and strolled to her bedroom.

''You can't tell? What are you talking 'bout?'' I followed her into her room. Why wasn't she telling me what was wrong?

''Nothing.'' I sighed. ''What are we doing today?'' I shrugged.

''Oh, I almost forgot. Zayn had called. He told me he wanted to ask you something.''

''Oh thanks. I'll call him right away.''

I nodded and walked away. I entered my room and sat on my bed. I grabbed my laptop and logged into Skype. It has been a while since I've talked to my mom. She basically knows everything that has happened between me and Harry. Cheers to the tabloid. Sarcasm. She told me that everything will be fine. But I told her that I didn't know what to do. I heard the sound of someone calling me from Skype, I accepted the call and saw my brother without a shirt.

''Robin? Why don't you put a shirt back on?''

''Hello to you too.'' He smirked.

''Hii, how are you?'' I smiled at my 2 years older brother.

''I'm great. I've been hearing lots of things about you and that popstar. How are things in the UK?''

Great. The media has made me famous. I sighed and replied, ''I'm alright, I'm almost home though.''

''You don't sound very happy, did he hurt you? If  he has, I'll break his pretty face into million pieces.'' 

I laughed at his response. ''Well, you don't have to worry. I can take of myself.''

''You sure?'' He cocked his eyebrow. ''We miss you, Ari. Ma is going cray'' 

I love how he uses the word Ma for mom. It shows how much love we have for each other. Robin and I were always two hands on a stomach. He was always there to protect me when someone hurt me or to give me advice on boys. Lately we've grown apart because he has moved out and lives with his girlfriend in the other part of the country, New York.

''Really? I miss her too. But I'll be there in a few.''

''When are you coming?'' 

''My flight is Thursday, so I probably will arrive Friday''

''Oh okay'' He chuckled,

''What do you have planned?''

''Oh nothing, Ma and Dad planned to pick you up together with me and Elissa.'' He flashed a smile. 

''How sweet.''

''Well, I've got to go, see you Friday then. If you need anything just call or text me?''

''Will do.''

''Love you, sis.''

''Too, bro.''

Call ended.

I miss being home, I hope I can leave soon of this nightmare with Harry around the corner.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. ''Come in.'' 

''What you doing?'' Lae asked. ''Just scrolling trough FaceBook and Twitter.'' I replied.

''Oh, well you up for dinner tonight?'' 

''Where?'' I asked, sitting up after I lay on my stomach.

''Uh well, Zayn asked if you wanted to come with him and the boys and the girls to a restaurant just outside the city. Despite you don't talk to them anymore.''

''Uh well, is Harry coming?''

''I suppose.''

I cringed. I'd love to go but I'm not in the mood of seeing Harry's face anymore.

''I don't know if I'd love to go..''

''Aw c'mon Ari! Are you just going to sit here and cry your eyes out instead of man up and show him what he's missing? You can't just be forever broken, your wounds will heal. Now please, come with me tonight? It's one of our last nights. You can't let the people who care about you, suffer? Can you?''

She was right. I've to show him what's he's missing. I'm Lae so thankful, she always gives me the best cheer ups.

''You're right. I will come but only for the boys and the girls. Not for him.'' I smiled at my own words.

''Yay!'' She squealed.

''Let's get ready!''


A/N: I'm having writers block :c so yeah this is a crappy chappy :s

Hope you like it. Next chapter will be better, there will be a bit more drama. This is just a filler.

I will start a new fanfic soon. So stayyy tuneeeed. 

12 votes for next chapter? :)

-Adriana. x

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