Chapter 22.

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''How have you been?''

I jumped in shock. I didn't expect anyone to come in here. I turned around to meet a pair of the bluest eyes ever. Niall.

''Oh God, Niall. I thought you were Harry.'' He chuckled.

''Well thank you then. So how have you been? It's been a week or so since the unhappy incident.''

I gave him a small smile and responded. ''Well, yeah. I've been okay, I guess. I try to move on. But every time his eyes will land on me. I still get those butterflies in my stomach. This is not good for me, Niall.''

He looked at me and gave me a sypathetic smile, he gestured his open arms to me engulfing me in a tight embrace. ''I'm going to miss you, Nialler.''

''I'm going to miss you too, Ari. We should head back, before they start worrying.''

''Alright'' I sighed.

We walked back to our table while laughing and chatting. Everyone looked at us and smiled. Except for one in particular. Harry. He looked at me with hurt, pain and jealousy in his eyes. I shrugged it off and sat down.

''So what were you two doing?'' El asked only for me to hear.

''I went to the bathroom. Niall was just checking if I was OK.'' She nodded and went back to the conversation with the others.

After a few hours, Louis, Zayn and Niall were all wasted and drunk. I felt sorry for Eleanor that had to take care of her boyfriend and Niall. While Lae offered to take care of Zayn. So tonight I had to stay on my own.

It was only 22pm and I was not tired at all. I wanted to get drunk too, but thinking of that. I prefer not to, remembering the last time I got drunk. Happened to lose my virginity.


I glanced over to the clock and stood up. Only 2 days left and I'm leaving. I'm really going to miss the boys and the girls. I'm going to be honest, and yes I'll miss Harry. But that's the past. It sure means that we're not meant to be, after everything that happened. I still love Harry, but I can't admit that. To anyone. 

I walked to the kitchen and there sat a hung over Zayn and a happy Lae.

''Good morning, sleeping beauty!'' Lae smiled.

I chuckled at the sight of them too. They'd make a really cute couple and babies. 

Babies. Imagine how Harry and I's babies would look like, his bouncy brown curls and my big brown eyes, and his perfect dimples. Definitely cute.

I sighed. Why do I still think of him? He doesn't deserve that.

''You seem very deep in thought.'' Zayn smirked.

''I know. There's this big load that really bothers me.''

''What is it?'' He asked.

''Harry..'' I whispered taking a sip of my coffee.

''You still love him, dont you?'' He said the smirk never leaving his face.

''Gosh, I don't know.'' I looked down and bit my lip.

''Go talk to him.''


''Just do it.'' 

He stood up and gave me a hug and told me to thank Lae. I nodded.

Talk to him? I couldn't do that. I wasn't ready. Maybe I should I mean, I'm leaving in 2 days. And we still have to sort things out. Even if it's still clear.

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