Missions and Admirers

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Peace ✌🏾 and Love ❤️
E 🙋🏾
Naruto POV

It was the day of our mission!!

Me and Hinata has already left about five hours ago. We met at the First Entrance Konoha Gates and from there we left for our mission.

We are currently at the Grass Village we arrived roughly about 20 minutes ago.

We quickly found the targets.

Quick note from Naruto to the readers...

Naruto: Okay Guys ! I forgot to tell you about the details our mission... So, our mission is to kill three S-Class Ninjas before they can cause anymore danger. They had been going around villages stealing and murdering people. There were a lot of cases like these after the war...
The Grass Village is the last place they were seen. So, that's why we are here...

Another note from Naruto...

Naruto: Oh and by the way I have a secret...
I may or may not have lied to Hinata about the duration of this mission. It doesn't actually last for three weeks. Shhh..... DON'T TELL HER.
But its actually a 3 day mission because well... I look at it this way I am at Sannin level and she is at Jounin level. So it's an expected time limit for ninjas of our level. Look... yes I lied but it's because I just wanted time with her. I knew if I told her she would have said no. She loves to follow the rules.

Time to get these BAKA'S!!

Back to the story (Gosh Naruto can talk forever!!)

Hinata Pov

Naruto: Hinata I have identified the enemy are you ready. *loud whisper*

Why does he have to whisper so loud.

Hinata: Hai! We will go on three. One... T- *quiet whisper*

Naruto: CHARGE !!!

Hinita: Naru-

He suddenly runs towards two out of the three S-class Ninjas..... and yes you guessed right... he starts attacking them all by himself.

No surprise there aye.

This is what I heard next - BOOOOOM !

I shook my head and thought oh gosh Naruto.

But I knew he will be fine. He always is...

Hinata: CHARGE!

On that note I charge towards the third rogue ninja who was hiding and start attacking him.

Ino Pov

I noticed that Sai had been coming to visit me a lot more often.

I had always wondered why he would.

The girls think it's because he likes me but I always say it's not possible because he is very emotionless...... he doesn't understand emotions

But and this is a strong but. I am starting to believe their observations....besides he checks me out a lot and always comes to the shop... also he is kinda cute.

Sometimes he talks to me but sometimes he doesn't...

Oh...wait he just walked into the Flower Shop.

Ino: Hello Sai. How may I help you this afternoon?

Sai: Hello Ino *he smile at me a genuine smile for the first time and then hands me a oil painting on canvas*

It was of me on a golden swing surrounded by white and purple roses, dressed in my ninja attire, I was being pushed in the picture by Sai and the both of us was smiling very big.

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