Secrets and Discoveries

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Peace ✌🏾 and Love ❤️
E 🙋🏾
Sasuke Pov

She didn't say anything.

Sasuke: Fine, since your not saying anything. I want to let you know that what happened yesterday was purely a joke. I was shocked because of your eyes and its powers. So, don't think for a second that you defeated me I want a proper fight Sakura.

Sakura: Whatever Uchiha off guard or not I will still beat you. Just accept your defeat. You can no longer flash your Sharingan in my face !

Sasuke: Hn. So, since you wanna be all touchy about things...where are your parents? Hm what happened to your prized possessions.

She grits her teeth at me.

Sakura: That is none of your business ! What-

Sasuke: Just talk to me it can't be that bad.

Sakura: REALLY REALLY! You know what since your so persistent I'll tell you. They were murdered by Madara right in front of me and I couldn't do anything because...I WAS WEAK ! Oh I bet that's what you wanna hear right. And it was all because of that STUPID TSUKYOMI YOU PUT ME IN. I was too late... forced to watch him snap their necks.

She looks up at me angrily,teeth still gritted.

Sasuke: So, that's why your shouting? Look let me be honest with you I don't care. I am not sorry for what I did to you. You would have been a burden as usual! You were too weak to save them! What could you have possibly experienced in the genjustu I put you in! Your life is perfect!

She looks at me in shock as if I had broken her in two.

Sakura: *a tear drop falls* You caused me so much emotional trauma and you say that... my life is not perfect! Wow... you are just SO arrogant, cocky and evil. You know what... just stop talking, let's get moving. I'm tired of hearing you talk!

She turns to walk away.

Sasuke: Oh am I pushing some buttons..... Well then NO we are going to keep talking, I am not done with you.

I chuckle and she turns to look at me with a disgusted look.

Sasuke: why do you call me Uchiha and not Sasuke-Kun anymore.

Sakura: We. are. done. Don't you dare speak to me. I've explained to you why I won't and I will not repeat myself.

She glares at me for a while.

After a 2 minute silence.....................

She seemed to be on the verge of tears.

She tries to leave but I grab her back.

She pushes me and begins walking towards the door but before she could I drag her back again.

I don't know what I was thinking but I grab and slam her to the wall and start kissing her.

She tries to push me off.

She punches me, pushes me, scratches and slaps me.

She eventually manages to get out of my hold but I grab her back.

I pin her to the wall and start kissing her again.

She keeps fighting it though so I decide to tighten my hold on her arms then wrap my hands tightly around her waist.

After much resistance she gives in and places her hands on my chest, she slowly begins to return the kiss.

I decide to deepen it for awhile and she continues responding....after a few minutes I break it off and place my forehead on hers.

Sakura and Sasuke: I am StrongWhere stories live. Discover now