Finders Keepers and Losing Weepers

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Peace ✌🏾 and Love ❤️
E 🙋🏾
Naruto' s POV

Ever since he decided to run off by himself to save Sakura. We've been searching him that TEME aka Sasuke - for 2 weeks!

I have to say though that my lack of travelling or intense fights lately has made me almost forgot. Forget how he has always moved way too fast for my liking...

I was deep in thought when I heard Hinata's voice.

Hinata: Naruto we are about 10 metres away from him, quick let's go before we lose him again!

Naruto: Hai!

With that being said we run from tree to tree and after five minutes of running I finally see his charcoal black, long, duckbutt shaped hair.

It was Sasuke alright.

He must have sensed our presence already because he turns around the moment we arrive. And me being me. I walk right up to his face with a mocking smirk.

Naruto: Oi teme. FOUND YOU!!!

He pushes me backwards.

Sasuke: Don't shout in my face BAKA!! And like I told the Hokage I can do this on my own. I don't need help. I will rescue her on my own. I am The Sasuke Uchiha!

Naruto: Oh yh...and I'm The First Hokage!

I look at Hinata who is blushing and laughing at my sarcasm. She loudly whispers something to me, agreeing with my judgement, on Sasuke's ego.

Hinata: I know. Ego much.

Naruto: I know right he thinks his all that. Oh please !

I laugh hysterically.

Hinata is giggling and Sasuke clears his throat, rolls his eyes, then glares at us.

Sasuke: BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP. I am right here you know!

Naruto: Yh, Yh. Anyways, enough playing around...for real what's the update, any intel.

Sasuke: *sighs* I have searched and asked around and I heard that there's this secret town in the Hidden Rain Village and it's called...
Sakura Village. But to find it from where we are now (Hidden Sand Village), it will take about 2 weeks tops and even if we do get there it'll be hard to locate.

Hinata: OH MY GOSH. I just spotted a piece of pink string. Oh my days. Oh my days. She's a genius.

Sasuke: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU Hinata ?! Why are you shouting ? Whose a genius and what's the matter?

Naruto: YH WHAT BABE ?!

I have never seen her have an outburst like this before, it was low-key attractive. FOCUS NARUTO!

Hinata: Don't shout Naru and calm down
Sasuke. Anyways, me and Sakura planned that if we were to ever get kidnapped and unable to escape. Regardless of whether we are unconscious or not we would leave clues behind. With Ten-Ten we created an armband which we keep on our right arm and as long as we reset it in the morning it continuously drops little pieces of string, in her case her strings were pink ones.

Naruto: Wow that's amazing babe but do they run out ?

Hinata: It depends on the distance that they took her. As they took her in the evening she wouldn't have had as much string left for us to follow. But even though we know the Sakura Village is located in the Hidden Rain Village lets hope to Kami that her strings lasted long enough to lead us to it. Because as Sasuke said it'll be difficult to find. But for now the strings points us in that direction. So, we should start going.

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