Funeral and Reunions

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Peace ✌🏾 and Love ❤️
E 🙋🏾
Sakura' POV

The pouring rain and the cloudy skies seemed to match the mood for...

The faintly heard sobs and the solemn faces seemed to match the mood for...

The cries of a newborn baby and the soft words from the Hokage seemed to match the mood for...

It's been three days since Karin's death.

Today is her funeral and a couple of Shinobi who are off duty or who knew her are standing in front of her tombstone.
If I am to be honest I didn't know whether to cry or to smile.

She always hated me so why should I cry, why should I be sad, why should I be here. Then I looked at Sasuke, he seemed to have a look of guilt on his face, that's all... guilt.

But by looking at him I realised that regardless of the differences me and Karin had, we should always honour our fellow Shinobi. He won't admit it but I also feel like Sasuke needs me in this time.

I mean him and her were old teammates and he never really treated her right, he always rejected her love. He must be feeling kind of guilty for that.

After the funeral me and Sasuke left together, the sky began to get darker as we walked to my house.

I guess he was going to stay for the night.

For the first time since the funeral I finally decided to speak to him.

Sakura: Sasuke


He seemed to be deep in thought.

Sakura: Sasuke-kun

He slowly raised his head from looking at the ground to looking at me. But he had an expressionless look on his face which scared me in a way. I couldn't read his emotions.

Sasuke: Yes ?

Sakura: I was er.. going to ask if you wanted to stay for the night because we're almost at mine.
He looked at me and shook his head from left to right at a mid pace.

Sasuke: No, I'm going to go home, I would like to be alone.

I stopped walking at a streetlight which was 2 mins away from my house and grabbed his arm to stop walking.

He looked at me straight in the eyes with still no emotion and shook his arm from my grasp.

I was confused.

Sakura: Look, I know this is kind of hard for you in a way. But you don't have to behave in this way Sasuke!

He doesn't say anything.

Sakura: SASUKE!!

Sasuke POV

Sasuke: Sakura just stop let's keep walking.

Sakura: No, Sasuke-kun look I know it's silly of me to ask but what exactly is wrong with you? Why are you behaving like this ? Or did you love her?

To be honest I didn't know what came over me but I continued to look at her without emotions.

I looked at her straight in the eye...

Sasuke: Look, Sakura... I don't think... I can do this anymore... I hate death Sakura. It's not that I liked or loved Karin, I hated her but the idea of death in itself still scares me.

Sakura: So, what are you trying to say Sasuke.

I don't know what came over me but that coldness and heartlessness I had felt a few years ago returned...

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