Chapter 4

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i feel like this fic is gonna have too much smut 😭

It had been a few weeks since Hope hooked up with the brunette and she couldn't get the girl out of her mind.

And this was becoming a problem for Hope.

Every time she tried to hook up with someone she couldn't get off and this was ruining her reputation.

"Is something wrong with you?" the girl laid in front of Hope, fully exposed ready to be taken.

"No, no it's fine just hold on," Hope said taking her member in her hand and pumping it trying to get it hard.

"Here let me try," the woman said replacing Hope's hand with hers.

The woman started thrusting it in her hand.

"What the hell," the woman said frustrated before she took Hope's member in her mouth.

"Stop stop this isn't working" Hope let out an exasperated sigh and laid back on her bed.

"Okay, this never happens to you... am I like a turn-off now?" the girl asks confused.

"No of course not I don't know what's going on" Hope rubbed her eyes.

"Well I'm going to go... call me when you fix your situation" the woman gestured towards Hope's member.

Hope just watched as the girl walked out.

Something was wrong with her this never happened like ever, Hope always gets the job done no matter what.

She hasn't been able to get anyone off since Josie... maybe the brunette cast some sort of spell on her.

That sounds insane witches aren't real.

Hope sighed and ran her fingers through her auburn hair.

As the auburn went to stand up she heard the notification on her phone that she got a text.

When she picked up the phone she noticed she was added to a GC along with Josie by Lizzie.

The text read 'does anyone want to get dinner with me?'

Hope saw that Josie replied almost immediately with a 'yeah sure.'

Just the thought of being in the same room as the brunette excited her but she didn't want to seem too eager so she waited a couple of minutes before responding 'i'm down'

And with that Hope went to her closet to pick out an outfit.

It had been a few weeks since she saw the brunette last and she hadn't seen her since they hooked up so knowing she was about to see her was kind of nerve-wracking.

When she pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant she was surprised to see the two waiting for her by Josie's car.

"Hey," Hope said subtlety glancing at Josie.

"Finally took you forever," Lizzie said rolling her eyes.

"I'm five minutes early" Hope raised her eyebrow.

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