Chapter 18

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The twins had been very active lately which of course Josie was happy about but at the same time, it was kind of frustrating.

They would both constantly kick her in the ribs or would kick her in the bladder at the most inconvenient times.

And the only solution she could find to calm them down was Hope.

Hope was sleeping in her bed when her phone started ringing causing the girl to jump awake and look around confused.

When she looked at her nightstand she saw Josie's contact name pop up on her phone and she immediately answered.

"Hello?" Hope answered sleepily.

"I need you to come over again," Josie said.

"Are they restless again?" Hope yawned.

"Yes! and I don't know what it is but they love you."

"Probably because I'm their favorite" Hope smirked as she got out of bed and made her way out of her apartment and to Josie's next door.

"You wish" Josie rolled her eyes.

"I'm coming in now," she said before hanging up.

A second later Hope walks through the door.

"Thank god get in here," Josie said opening her blanket.

Hope climbed into the bed and laid her head against Josie's belly "are you kicking your mommy again?"

As Hope started talking the twins stopped kicking.

"I don't know how you do it."

"Their ears are fully developing right now so they probably like hearing my voice" Hope smiled sweetly.

"Let me make you guys a deal you be nice to your mommy and stop kicking her ribs and let me sleep at night and in exchange you can kick her all you want when you come out," Hope said to Josie's belly.

"Do not make that deal with them" Josie gasped and slapped Hope's shoulder.

"Hey, this is a conversation between me and my children," Hope says holding a hand in front of Josie's face "anyways my little ones where were we?"

Josie playfully slapped Hope's hand away and they both laughed.

The following morning Josie woke up to the sun shining on her face and an arm draped over her stomach.

When she looked down she noticed Hope laying next to her snoring.

Normally she would wake Hope up and ask why she stayed over but she was too tired and decided to just bury her face in her pillow and pull her cover over her head.

The world must have not wanted Josie to sleep because a second later Lizzie barged into Josie's room.

"Josie mom and dad are here..."

Josie immediately sat up making Hope's arm slide off of her causing the auburn to jolt awake.

"What happened" Hope looked around confused.

"You are so screwed" Lizzie laughed.

"This isn't funny! don't laugh."

"How are you screwed?" Hope leaned on her elbow and let out a yawn.

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