8. Training...........

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You watch while standing in front of the genins and bridge builder in a defensive manner as Kakashi battled Zabuza with water clones.

You can smell the scent of fear as Sakura and Tazuna are shaking. Sasuke and Naruto was letting out the sane scent but its weak compared to Sakura and Tazuna's.

You shifted your stance as you got ready to exchange with Kakashi. His chakra was decreasing fast and the scent of his tiredness hit you.

Kakashi silently panted as Zabuza blocked the kunai with Kurokiribocho? You kinda forgot what the swords name was and why in absolute fuck was it long?!

Zabuza suddenly kicked Kakashi to the water earning shouts from the team. Zabuza was quick to perform water prison.

Kakashi groaned as he got up from the dirty ground, wait ground. Wasn't he kicked towards the water.


''If your here then who's........ Y/N!!''

Inside the water prison was you instead of Kakashi, Zabuza blink before letting out a cackle.

''If I known you would have switch with him I would've done it in the beginning''

Sasuke and Naruto were shaking in anger, Sakura is getting more worried and scared. Kakashi looked pissed and Tazuna is ready to shit his pants.

Nose twitched aggressively as the scent of vanilla entered you nostril. Your mouth began to water, another marechi and the scent of vanilla was flooding your senses.

You have to get rid of them fast or else you'll go beserk. Your hand were put together as you aggressively and quickly did the signs.

Zabuza's eyes widen as you peform handsigns inside the water prison. Kakashi readied to book it with the genins and Tazuna, he knows that jutsu and they are about to get fucked if they don't move.



Taking a deep breath as water  was getting in your mouth almost drying it, you released it and let the water fill prison.

It burst hitting Zabuza who choked on water and Team 7 was swept away as you let out all of the water you have just taken in.

Haku jumped down from the tree as he worriedly went to Zabuza. You looked around for team 7 seeing them sprawled to the floor eyes spiral as they're K.Od.

Haku  watched as you flickered towards your team. The latter teleported away as you teleported to Tazuna's home.

''How troublesome........''


Kakashi groaned as his head was pounding, he put a hand on his throbbing head as he sat up from the floor.

He opened his eye and saw you tending Naruto. His throat was felt dry as he swallowed his saliva just to lessen the dryness of his throat.

''Here drink this, it has painkillers in it''

You said as you hold the small gourd up to his lips pulling his mask down. Kakashi let the water go down his throat and cleared his throat the dryness disappearing, you pulled his mask up to cover his face knowing how concious he is even though his face was pretty.

''What happened?"

The silverette asked as he let you lay him down back to the futon. He listened how Zabuza was still alive after they were passed out due to the jutsu.

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