( 18. ) Ambrosia

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WARNING ;; slight mention of abuse.

WARNING ;; slight mention of abuse

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Ambrosia hails from a region called 'Yare-Su', in a place called 'The Dreamscapes' which is basically a world comprising of all sorts of fantasy kingdoms ranging from steampunk-like, to faerie courts, to retro futurism, and other variations. No being there is an organic human, and as you can expect, the Dreamscapes are only accessible through an organic human's dreams. Usually, the creatures here are very friendly and are completely willing to help lost humans. However, in some places, if you visit more than five times, it's not going to go very well...

Because none of the creatures are organic humans, they also can't age.

The way it was discovered is when a child of fallen nobles was being abused by her parents, for reasons she refused to share, and whenever she reminded them it was her birthday, their "present" would be locking her inside her room with no dinner, so when she turned ten years old, she stopped reminding them altogether. However, because she stopped celebrating her birthday, she noticed that while her parents grew older and older, she stayed the same way. Her mind and capabilities were well into its thirties at one point while her body remained as a ten-year-old, so she hurried to share this news with people as soon as her parents "died" of old age. Of course, the beings of her kingdom didn't believe her, until she pulled out her birth certificate, which showed the royal seal before it had gotten decommissioned due to its similarity with another kingdom.

So from then on, while the beings of the dreamscapes continued to celebrate their birthdays, rather than celebrating on their actual days of birth, most choose to celebrate their birthdays on a day of their choosing (the spring and autumnal seasons are very popular) and every five years of these un-birthdays (similar to Alice In Wonderland) they'll celebrate their actual birthday so they actually age up, though in the modern day, most people don't age past thirty or forty.

Of course, while the beings of the dreamscapes can't die of old age, they can still sort of go into a state of death unique to their species.

What a nice world! It offers a lot of diverse and cool designs, plenty of locations, and a lot of space for all types of stories to take place.

However, if the beings living in Dreamscapes can't really age, wouldn't they have discovered the fact a longer time ago? Or did not celebrating their birthdays would prevent them from physically aging, which was first discovered by the abused child? This is just to clear up some confusion.

It's also pretty cool how beings in Dreamscapes can't really die. For some species it can be relaxing, while for others, it can be a total nightmare. This offers a lot of new fears, motivations, and even effects on personalities. Perhaps certain species tend to be more cautious because their state of death is a total nightmare, while other species are more reckless, since their state of death is peaceful and perhaps even enjoyable. The effect it would have on governments and anything alike is also cool to think about. And overall it's a just a cool idea that provides some nice worldbuilding.

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