( 23. ) Roseanne

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Name: Roseanne Megan

A unique name! "Roseanne" sounds very delicate and fancy. "Megan" is a rather unusual surname, but in a good way of course.

Creepypasta Name: She didn't pick that one but most people refer to her as the "Devil Within".

An interesting Creepypasta name! It's catchy and original.

Gender: He is Gender fluid. He doesn't exactly has a gender considering he is just a part of the person's imagination.

Sexuality: Asexual and aromantic.



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- They changes there appearance most of the time so it easier to have the human trust them 

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- They changes there appearance most of the time so it easier to have the human trust them 

Unique appearance! Roseanne's piercings and eyes really stand out.


Personality: They are quite sadistic and manipulative, as they feed of people's anger which adds to their power.


Disorder: Personality disorder

Personality disorder can refer to any type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving. There's a lot of disorders that cause this, such as borderline personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, etc. 

Be more specific with Roseanne's personality disorder. Remember to research it too, and make sure that it has realistic effects on Roseanne!


It ain't much but it has something to do with rage. She was just a normal devil at the underground until she felt a great anger coming from the earth. Normally devils would leave when they feel this but it made her feel... pleased. She went to it slowly as she saw someone angrily throwing a fit about someone stealing something from them. Normally she would stay hidden but her curiosity got the best of her. "What a shame..." was what she said as the person looked at her quickly "You know. You deserved that title." she said. After more and more words the person's rage got the best of them as they had hurt the person they were jealous off badly ending up in jail. To her own surprise she found the person's anger amusing which is why she kept going.

Nice backstory!

When it comes to making creepypastas, a crucial detail most forget is that creepypastas are somewhat like internet urban legends that are intended to be somehow creepy. Roseanne tormented someone to the point where they decided to harm someone, and not lightly, judging by the fact that they got in jail. That typically makes others feel spooked and even disturbed. Because Roseanne continued, finding the process fun, it only adds onto the unsettling feelings.

Well done!


When it comes to making creepypastas, a lot of people tend to forget the freedom you have. While most other characters require detail, since creepypastas are basically internet urban legends, they don't require as much description.

Because of this fact, though Roseanne doesn't have as much information compared to typical characters, she's still makes a good character! Roseanne has an interesting concept, a good backstory, a unique appearance, and a nice personality.

However, Roseanne is still missing information in some parts. I've mentioned some of them throughout the review, but below, you can find more parts to add more details on.

Try explaining Roseanne's powers more. From what I can tell, Roseanne can become part of someone's imagination, but that's a basic explanation. Does Roseanne appear as a hallucination? Can Roseanne cause hallucinations? Can Roseanne speak to the person their powers are effecting? Can Roseanne somehow effect dreams? How many people can Roseanne use their powers on at the same time? Does the person Roseanne is using their powers on have any control over them, such as the ability to get rid of Roseanne or weaken their powers?

You can also expand on Roseanne's personality more. Since they're a creepypasta, you don't have to go into too much detail. At the very least, try explaining how Roseanne prefers to harm others. Do they insult others until they snap? Do they convince others to think that they're insane? Do they manipulate others into doing harm? You can also explain Roseanne's preferred victims, fears, strengths, weaknesses, and even the ordinary likes and dislikes if possible.

Overall, good job! With a few tweaks, Roseanne can easily become an awesome character.

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