Are you looking for something?

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After the party ended Pete told Porsche everything in the way back .
Porsche didnt look surprised he was grinning the whole time.

Porsche: Oi Pete,aren't you disappointed that the facemask was in the way?

He giggles and Pete gets shy,that moment wont go away from his mind.

Pete: To be honest...yeah.
He covers his face with his hands

Porsche: Go claim your man Pete.

Pete: argh-How should I do that!

Porsche: I have a plan.

Pete: What?

Porsche wanted to explain his plan but a notification sound interrupts him,it's from Pete's phone.

"Uknown number"

Pete flinches.

message : cutie why did you run away like a scared kitty after the party?

-M-mr Vegas!!How did he get my number??

- Oh wow!Interesting question...
Porsche eyes shifts,he hides a grin with his hand.
He spoke quickly with Vegas at the party and ,which asked him to give him Pete's number.
Porsche obviously gave it to him straight away.

(Gotta support his bestie heh)

Pete's sighs

- what should I respond?
- I dont know,something like "Who are you " or like "Mr Vegas is that you?

- ahhh whatever I'll see myself.

*Messages *
Pete: how did you get my number?? Vegas : I have my ways.
Pete: Seriously Mr Vegas
Vegas : that's not important,do you wanna come by tomorrow?
Pete: Huh??
Vegas : What about we meet tomorrow at my place,dont worry I'll get you covered.
Pete's cant believe his eyes.

Porsche :OHOO!Mr Vegas just invited you!

Vegas: I have something to tell you.Wait for me next to the ice coco stand held by an auntie.
You should know where.see ya tomorrow around 7 pm there.

Pete's looks at the screen in disbelief.

Porsche: So what are you gonna do?
Pete: He says he wants to tell me something---
Porsche: Pete you will go right?
Porsche smirks and winks at Pete.

Pete's gulps.He looks at his phone.

Pete: I will go.

The next day, next to the ice coco stand near the minor family place,Pete is waiting for Vegas...

Pete buys a coco icecream to maybe feel less stressed.
It's his favourite,his mom used to buy him a lot.
The idea of seeing Vegas makes his heart beat like crazy.
He quickly eats his icecream,he eats so fast when hes nervous.
(picture Goku for those who know what I'm talking about haha)

While hes going to the bin to throw the now empty plastic cup,a white cat appears out of the blue and stops in front of him.

- Ohh what a cutie!Where did you come from.

He starts to pet him,seems like the cat likes Pete.

- do you want something to eat ?

The cats meows (saying no lol )

- Then I'm gonna ask the auntie for some milk!come with me!

Pete was going but he notice the cat doesn't move.

- Aw?just stay here I'm coming!

When he comes back with the milk the cat is walking to the other side of the road.

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