Red rose gang

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Khun: Do we have a deal?
Mister Mori had an hesitation but he though this was for the better.
He shakes Vegas' hand firmly.

-  Ii desuyo.(Its fine in Japanese) Deal .

Vegas smiles.His face is brighter than ever.Eyes widen,wrinkles of a smile which should be bigger, forms on his face.
He cannot hold his happiness.

- Arigatou gozaimas (it means thankyou) Mr Mori.

This was the main family biggest associate who just accepted to betray them.
He just made a deal with Vegas to the Rose gang plan.

The rose gang plan aka the plan to the throne.
It's the plan the minor family plans to take down the main.
Because they're not meant to be on the top,they did it first.
Originally it was Gun (Vegas father) not Kinns father who was meant to be the main leader.

- Im counting on your presence for the rose gang plan mr Mori.
Its a pleasure to work with you.

- Shared feeling mr Vegas.
You know how I feel about you.
I think you're a better fit for the position,not hesitant,decisive and really clever.

- You know,I'm surviving this mess my grandpa made but now I have a reason to want a better place.

           " I need to protect him"

I cant wait for this change and I'm grateful for the trust you put in me.

- I will be sure to help you.

Mr Mori pats Vegas' shoulder.

- Jaa ..see you soon .

- See you soon,goodbye Mr Mori.

Vegas had been waiting for this day for years.
Finally he was going to be able to have all his chances to take the throne.
That belongs to him in the first place.

-Shin,drive me to the mall,I'm gonna make a special purchase.
I need a nice attire for this family meeting today.

Vegas has the smile up to his ears.

- Yes sir.
- Pete is gonna freak out cause I didnt tell him I was coming but you know what,I'll get him a present too.
- I think he'll be happy to see you.
- I'll be happier.

Meanwhile in the main family residence..

Pete is doing his daily training with Porsche who was being so kind to him today..

- Pete,you know I love you naaa

- Its okay Porsche I know you're happy you get to try the big bike but you dont need to do anything silly to please me!You're bothering me man!

- Want to ride with me??
- oiii I already said no.
- At least let me treat you lunch!
Well go on a ride with mr Vegas Bike!

- Did you pick it up??

- Actually mr Shin put it in the local garage belonging to the minor family and its not away from here so yeah we'll go with this.
Come on Pete we have time this lunch break!!

- Okay then.

Porsche smiles in satisfaction.

- Only one condition.
His smiles drops a little
-Ehhh what now.
- You are paying.
Porsche rolls his eyes but he doesnt mind that much.
-Okayyyy! DEAL.
- Pfff Why are you shouting
Porsche covers his mouth smiling from the embarrassment.

- oh sorry . Ahha

At 12am they get lunch break,today theres more staff for a reunion so they have time since they'll be patrolling until evening.

- Oh my God.Its brand new.

Porsche stands in admiration in front of the dark shiny motorcycle.
A black bike,Honda,it has two helmets with it.

- This is way better than mine.Look at it Pete...Its perfect.

He turns to Pete then abruptly hugs him.

- I'm so happy man.
Pete is annoyed but also happy to see Porsche this happy.
He's been facing a lot of problems and he's so glad hes so cheerful.

- Let's ride it.

- Hold onto me tight Pete.We're gon fly.
Pete gulps.He put his arms around Porsches waist.

- Oi Porsche I told you- not to- aahhhh

Pete can't even finish talking,Porsche is already riding fast.

- oi Porscheeee ahhhh
- HAHAHAHA sorry Pete.

Porsche did it on purpose then he started slowing down cause he felt bad for Pete.

He stops at the res light.

- You- that's last time I'm riding with you asshole.
Pete says trying to breath regularly.
- Drama queen pff
- Are you for real???
- Its green!!

As soon as the light changes color Porsche takes off heading to the restaurant...

To be continued ..

Hey guys!
I'm back.
I know I always kinda of disappear but I had assignment and and I'm working fulltime now...
It's been so busy idk how to tell you.
I cant get inspired if I'm worried.
I hope you like this chapter,I'll see you today for the other one.

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