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At the minor family mansion the next day.

Vegas: If you betray me I'll make sure to destroy everything,your nice restart,I'll destroy it and make sure you will never be achieving it.

Vegas said with an angry expression on his face coming back to his neutral apathic gelid expression after saying those words.

Tawan: I'm just going to apologize.Im not giving any more details.Im leaving next day.

Shin:Mr Vegas,Mr Kinn is here.Hes in the guest room.

- so he really came ...

Vegas smiles.

- follow me.

Tawan: I missed you.
Kinn: What are you doing here?
Tawan: I wanted to see you one last time.

Kinn felt the palms of his hands closing tighly.He looked at Vegas.

- You contacted him??
Vegas laughs.
- He just reached out to me so desperately...hes flying Thailand in a few hours.
Isnt he so pitiful?

Tawan felt humiliated.
- I know you just used me.
- no ...Kinn listen to me.
- I loved you.
- Does it matter?
- I just needed someone who wouldnt doubt me.So thats why.You never really trusted me.
- Were you worthy of that?

Kinn stays in silence.
Vegas leaves the room,outside he sees Simeone he didnt expect.
Its Pete.

- Hey cutie why didnt you come in.
- Hello mr Vegas hah,Mr Kinn told me to wait outside.

Vegas gets close to Pete making the latter even more nervous.

- Follow me to the bathroom.

Pete gulps,he knows where this is going with Vegas looking at him like a hungry lion.
The thing is: he can't control himself around Vegas.
He quietly follows Vegas who is now entering by the other door,the mansion.
Not even setting a foot onto the bathroom tiles,Pete found himself dragged and softly pushed into the wall.

- Mr V-egas-
A few inches separate the two looking into eachother eyes.
Pete is still taken aback by all that happened in a few seconds.
Vegas smirks then hums softly.
- You're like an open book Pete...hm
- huh
- Did you come here because you missed me so much it ..was it unbearable hmm?Am I right?

Vegas chuckles seeing Pete getting so flustered,Pete's ears getting so red.

-answer me will you?
- Y-yeah ...I came because I wanted to see you.
Vegas smiles after hearing those words he simply wanted to hear directly from Pete.

- Good boy...
He then proceeds to grab Pete chin and to softly touch Pete's lips making him blush.
Vegas keeps softly passing his thumb on Pete's lower lip...
Pete actually like being teased this way,he look up to make eyecontact with Vegas.
Vegas notices how desperate Pete is and he enjoys it.
- what do you want Pete.Im not doing anything until you tell me.
- Kiss me.
- What happened to the good manners?

Pete eyes shift then he makes eyecontact,this one makes Vegas go crazy.
Big doe eyes looking at him begging him.
His face turns serious.

- Please.. can you kiss me Mr Vega-

Vegas doesnt wait for Pete to finish,too impatient,he abrutly pushes his lips on his.
He smiles then keeps devouring Pete's lips, that taste terribly sweet.
He doesnt give Pete a break until hes out break,he breaks the kiss and breathes heavily against Pete's collarbone.
Pete feels the shivers going down his spine.

- Pete.
- I dont really think you fit with Kinn.
- Huh-
- Why dont you work for me instead?
- I...can-t do that...
Vegas tilts his head looking at Pete with a cold pair of eyes...he whispers softly into his ears
* Huh ...Pete don't you wanna see me everyday ?*
- I do but-
- hmm...fair enough
He smiles then in a blink that smiles disappears.

This duality makes Pete skin crawl yet he enjoys it.Vegas and his mood swings.
He couldnt be' more happier that he actually asked him to come work him but at the same time he feels guilty for actually being in this kinda of relationship with his boss enemy.

Vegas softly caresses Petes hair,then he softly caresses his cheeks.
Petes closes his eyes and enjoys Vegas touch.

- So adorable ha... hey Pete dont let anyone touch you like this.Youre just mine.Understand?

Pete reopens his eyes v.

- Mmm good kitty.
Vegas giggles
- h-uh?
- I hope you like this new nickname.

He gives Pete a peck surprising Pete.

- Now I need to head back to take care of my guests,im a bit sad to leave you know but Im glad I got a lil time to mess u up kitty.

Pete gets goodebumps,as Vegas nonchalantly exits the bathroom ,
he slides down the wall his heart.

- I'm going crazy.

Vegas comes back to the room and he is shocked to see what's going on in front of him.
Tawan is pointing a gun to Kinn.

- What the fuck Tawan???
- You wanted this no?You literally asked me to do this.
- What the hell are you saying Tawan?
- I'm gonna say sorry,by giving him back the pain he gave me.

Vegas quickly grabs his gun.
- I hate people who dont keep up with their words.
Tawan smiles
-If you shoot me first I'm not gonna kill-

Vegas doesn't hesitate,he makes a sign to his bodyguard which kicks Tawans gun,he immediately shoots Tawan straight into his heart.
Tawan abruptly falls into the floor.
Kinn is looking at his lifeless body unable to process what just happened.

- Kinn,are you okay?
Vegas says,with a concerned look.
- Ta-wa.nn...
He steps towards the dead body then kneels down.

- Hes- dead.

- That bastard needed to die.hm.
How dare him.

Vegas glares at his body with despise.

He taps Kinns shoulder

- I'll take care of the body,just leave Kinn.And you owe me one.I saved your life.
He calls his bodyguards.

-Hey !Clean this up!

Kinn is so shocked he just quickly walks out.

A little smirk forms on Vegas face.
His little plan worked perfectly.
Tawan actually kept his word and Vegas helped him to get revenge,he also got his revenge.
His intent got fulfilled...
He plans on going in on with his plan,destroying the main family,destroying Kinn.

To be continued...

Hi guys,
I know I have been absent for long now,I know that was odd,since at first I was so punctual...
Actually,I was kinda depressed and it affected my inspiration ...I also needed to pass my exams...Which I failed lol
I had to retake them and I don't know if I made it yet.
It's been so confusing lately and yeah I know it's been a while but I'm back
When you least expect it XD
Oh and I'm sorry but these latest episodes??They made my depression worsen lmao
There was a rollercoaster of emotions and I kept thinking about the poor Pete.
Like really it's been killing me that's also a part of why I didnt upload lol,I didnt want to think about these two.
I still have to get over it in fact lol
Anyways I'm grateful for all those people who keep voting and commenting,I love you all!
See ya<3

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