Would you stay by my side?

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Vegas:You smell good ,perhaps you use *name shampoo*
Pete: Hah thankyou...yes how did you know?
Vegas:I used to same one actually...i love this scent .
Pete blushes,Vegas compliments really get him every time.
Vegas : Look at you blushing...damn cute
He brushes pete cheek with his fingers.then he grabs his hand ,lets get in the car shall we?
Pete nods.
Vegas asks the chauffeur to drive them to the main family residence.
Vegas: Did you eat yet?
Pete:No I havent
Vegas : Me neither ,tell me what food do you like to eat Pete?
Pete: Traditional food:)
Vegas smiled
- You look like it
- Huh
- Hehe fine would you like some Pad thai?
- yeah I like bittesweeet and Salty/sweet dishes.
Peted smiles.
- I like sweet food too.
- Thats surprising from you mr Vegas.
- When I was young pa used to force me to have extra spicy food.I never liked it,I prefer sweeter taste...

- oh..I see..Sorry if I made you remember something sad from your childhood...
- it's okay cutie

Pete cant help but to feel quite bad actually.
He looks at Vegas hand,Vegas had pulled away and Pete wants to grab his hand again.
Even If hes shy,he puts his hand on Vegas hand.
Vegas looks at Pete then smiles
He intertwine their fingers.
They both say like this until they reach the minor family home.

- here Boss the food is here.
- thanks we're gonna eat in my room..

- What do we see here!Pete!!!
He procedes to put an arm aaroundPetes shoulder.
- hello Macau hah
Pete us slightly uncomfortable.
- Oi Macau give Pete some space
- ok ok ok See ya!
- bye.Pete let's go up the stairs.
- mm

As soon as they pass the door Pete gets a welcome kiss he didnt expect.
It's a sweet kiss,almost deadly for the poor Pete.
Vegas pulls out then smiles at Pete,they both smile at eachother.
- Pete lets go eat.
- H-uh okay
- haha cutie you looked so flustered it's kinda funny.
- You took me aback-
- Your reactions are so priceless everytime.

Seems like Vegas enjoy seeing Pete in that state.
Pete scratches his head and smiles awkwardly.
They both seat on the little couch and Vegas puts the food on the table.
- Arent you hungry cutie.
- Oh yes...
- Let's dig in

Pete is like a transparent book he instantly changes his expression the moment he tastes the pad thai
- Damn it's so good~~
- Its good right?That place does the best pad thai in town,and its knows for decades and everyone loves their food.
- Mm its damn good!!!
- haha slowly Pete,don't stuff yourself like that.
Vegas chuckles.
- haha Sa-owwy
- you're such a messy eater...

Pete has always been a messy eater but when he's nervous hes even messier.

- You know I always eat with everybody...but I always feel lonely for some reason.
Pete looks at him with a pitiful expression.
- Dont worry,I'm here for you.
- Hmm I'm glad you're here...but I just keep getting selfish.
- W-hat do you mean?
- Can't you just stay here?Why are you working for that asshole?That Kinn...I don't like him.

- I can give whatever you like.More than you even imagine!Just come to me.
- I-
- Don't you like me ?Because I love you.
- I love you too.

Pete wasn't feeling uncertain about his feelings neither his decision,he knows he cant say no.
He is also aware that nothing will be the same.
It's oppressing him,yet he is so drawn to this.
Like he waited for this moment all his life.

- Can you promise me to come with me and leave that filthy family?Can you trust me?
Vegas softly caresses Pete's cheeck.

- I promise.I want you to be happy.

They both look at eachother.
He hugs him so tight.
- Are you crying?
- You can't back on your decision.Never.Never.
- I won't.

Vegas never let anyone see him so vulnerable,he could not help himself but shed tears,because he finally won.
Pete's accepted to be his,to share his pain,to devote to him.

Manipulation,greed,toxic feelings and possessive demands...
This man knows what he wants and hell do anything,anything even cry as an apathic person to take what belongs to him...
Pete is the first.
Only thing he truly love Pete,a mere bodyguard for the main family,yet he makes him feel like nobody else.
Vegas wanted to make Pete feel the same way he felt about him,at any cost he wanted to make him fall for him
he never felt something so fresh,so genuine,so innocent until he saw Pete.
Pete is his medicine and his boost for determination.
A sinner with a fallen angel.

He turned to kiss Pete taking the latter aback.
Soft kiss,its sweetness feels like poison.

- That's the seal for our promise Pete.
You can't run away now.
He smiles at Pete.
- I have no intention to.

To be continued...

Hey guys...
What to say.
Damn even I got kinda emotional writing this.
As Bible said grab your tissues,inhalers and popcorn for next episode lmao this is getting sooo intense.
Are you ready for it?😏
See u soon:)

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