Halloween (ep 7) special pt2

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- Mr Vegas ,I brought the wine.
A servant asked behind the door which was mid open .
- I'm good..I'm not really thirsty right now...

Vegas was smoking a sigarette watching out the green window,he still had the taste of Pete's blood in his mouth.
Lively,vivid memory,he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened a few moments before.
That sweet taste was making him lose his cool,he decided to smoke to attenuate it.

- Are you sure khun Vegas?Tomorrow is a busy day ahead of you.
- Its fine,I drank from my bottle not long ago...I shouldn't drink too much.

- Okay,but if you ever need anything dont hesitate to ask me Khun Vegas,I'll be here immediately
- Thankyou but I'll be fine,you can go now.
- Ill head back,rest well,khun Vegas.

Vegas wasnt in a mood to sleep,and anyways he didnt really needed to.
Vampires didnt need too much rest during the week .

The night had passed and Vegas ended up resting like an hour before 7am.
Today was the training for the operation they were going to do on the drug port.
It was a collaboration with the main family bodyguards and he needed to be extra careful.
He was confident,he needed to,he wouldnt lose the opportunity to outshine Kinn.
He got on the shower and wore his white shirt and pale green pants,usual chain on his neck.
-Khun,the breakfast is ready.
- Ill be' there in a minute.

(At the breakfast with everyone)

Everyone was sat but Pete .
Vegas noticed,he was wondering why he wouldnt show up ...little did he know that the poor Pete was still trying to find a way to cover those bite marks that still didnt fade.

- Macau I need you to do something for me.

Vegas whispered to Macau something and the latter smiled immediately from ear to ear.
He nodded all smiley and got up.

*in Pete's room*

- Shiaaa--- I dont even have a jacket or something.
Pete was looking at the mirror in despair.

- Maybe its better if I don't show up...I'll just tell Porsche I overslept.
I have to look for patch ...omg I'm screwed!!

Pete was holding his head with both his hands,he wanted to dig a hole and just jump right into it.

- I can help you.
Pete jumped from fear.
Macau just showed up at the door and smiled at him.

- Mr Macau??
- Sorry for my bros behavior,he must've really liked the taste of your blood .

Pete instantly turned red and his eyes widened,how did Macau know about that???

- What!?
Pete couldn't believe his eyes.
- Haha Its okay,my brother sent me to give you the ointment that fades bite marks.
- Khun Vegas?Mr Macau a-re you also?
- Yes but I'm not interested in human blood,it grosses me out.

Macau handed Pete the ointment.
- Here,I'll leave you now we cant be both going back together. Hurry up

Pete just nodded in silence.
He was still processing what has happened.
He opened the container and it smelled like rose water.
Then he touched these bite marks with his fingers first.
It hurt slightly,Pete's skin was extra sensitive and the paleness didnt help.
He had a flash of what happened yesterday and his heart started racing.
He couldn't sleep well after that,he felt butterflies in his stomach all night...
The fact that Vegas has bothered to ask his brother to come help him made him catch even more feelings..
He liked the attention that Vegas gave him.
- Haaa Enough lets apply this.
He applied gently the ointment on his neck,it was so cold.
In a few second,the skin had absorbed
it and the marks were gone!
Pete was impressed.

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