Madame Cordelia

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Pete ears blushed...he put his hands on Vegas shoulders...slowly breathing against his skin.

- So sudden ha...
- Pete.
- Hmph?
- You reek Porsches cologne.

Vegas expression changes back to the gelid one.

- Ah..I borrowed his cologne..You- don't like it?
Pete scratched the back of his head,Vegas just looked him in the eye.
- Go change.says Vegas firmly.
- Why-
- I got you a shirt yesterday, it should be in your room.
- Oh.Mr Vegas you didnt have to do that.
Pete felt embarrassment and he thought that this was unnecessary and childish.
However this also made his heart beat.
He never was into the overly jealous type or that's what he thought but apparently Vegas is the one exception...

- yes I will go change.
Vegas smiles.
- That's my good boy,and take this with you,That's Giorgio Armani.
It's my new favorite and I always carry a sample.
- Are you sure you want to give it to me?
Vegas chuckled
- You're cute... If I like something I'm gonna make sure I have a lot of it.

Pete nods slowly,widening his eyes as he felt the soft touch of Vegas hand against his cheek.

- But you...You're my only one.
- Vegas...
That was the first time Pete actually dropped the formality catching Vegas off guard.
- Go now.
- I love you.

Vegas kisses him one last time before Pete runs out the bathroom blushing and panicking like a teen in love.
Leaving Vegas in the bathroom smiling like a fool.

Vegas leaves the bathroom then he sees Shin waiting for him outside with the typical amused expression on his face.

- Oh Shin-
- Shall we go to the afterparty?
- Yes let's go ...I dont wanna be late.
- Its on the 7th floor no?
- Yes
- Lets go.

The afterparty as usual feels so lonely for Vegas,he just plays billiards with Shin and drink the fruity drinks offered by the Barman who seems to not take the hint.

- Damn seriously.
Youre so annoying,i already told you im not interested.
And not drinking no more...bye.

Vegas is feeling sick,he doesn't want to waste his time in this lame afterparty.

- Shin,Should we still wait for her?
Its really unlikely she will be coming.
- You cant miss the opportunity to meet her.
- Isnt she just one of Korns toys?That's why shes on a pedestal?
- Theres more into it than you think.

At that moment a gorgeous lady breaks the noise into the room.
Shes wearing a pink dress,white pearls necklace and a white hat.
The exact one Vegas has.

- There she is.

Kinn escorts her inside holding her hand while she walks up the staircase.

- Thanks Kinn.
- Welcome Madame Cordelia.

Vegas freezes on spot.
Something about that lady gives him goosebumps.
An aura,a scent,something he cant explain.
She notices him sitting in the table in front and starts coming his way.

Shin notices theres something wrong with Vegas.

- Are you okay mr ?

Cordelia greets them both,now standing in front of Vegas.

- You've grown into a handsome man,Vegas.

Vegas stares at her in confusion.

- Last time I saw were 5.
I'm so happy to see you again.

- Sorry.. I don't remember you.

- Haha really...that hurts.Well I surely do.

- Mr Pawit is looking for you madame.

Says Kinn who was standing behind the whole time.

- See you soon.

She smiles at him and then leaves him to follow Kinn.

To be continued ...

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