Chapter 6

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Aleksandr's POV

It's 8 in the morning and I'm already pissed off. I've spent the last week being an actual mafia boss instead of a trauma surgeon and it was very therapeutic. I'm back in California because it JJ didn't leave it stable. The whole system relied on her presence to run. Now I understand why she was so stressed. The small area she gained in San Francisco requires the most attention which is why I bought a house in the area so I wouldn't have to travel two hours. Despite the extra work I was having a great week until today.

I have a very discrete team of individuals watching over JJ. I have a spy that works at the bakery JJ frequents. She's doesn't stand out to JJ at all so I've been able to receive weekly reports without raising suspicion. I have someone working in the school to notify me if she ever finds herself in trouble with administration. JJ is a smart and studious kid but is known to cause trouble in a classroom.

I have someone else monitoring her and her friends's social media. After raising Yuri and Niko I know all about private stories. My IT guy makes sure nothing inappropriate or incriminating gets out. Since she's expected to take over my company I don't need leaks of her antics creating a scandal. I'd also never hear the end of it from my father. Outside of those instances I try to respect her privacy. I only know the obvious things she does. JJ is smart not to post anything she isn't supposed to on social media so my updated are normally very shallow... until today

Turns out Elijah's little shit is visiting JJ. I know they have feelings for each other but I had hoped they'd wait until after college to get together. Although, I should've expected this from hormonal teenagers.

I decide to skip my morning workout and ruin Yuri's morning too. I know he's home because the whole second floor smells like weed. I don't bother knocking and barge in. He's visibly shirtless in bed with an all too familiar girl. She has hickeys and his back is covered in scratch marks.

"Wake your asses up!"

"No go away!" Yuri groaned

"It's getting hard to believe that you two aren't fucking." I told them

"We aren't even doing anything." Haruhi defended

She's staying with us in California because she's dancing at the San Francisco Ballet. Yuri is with me because my focus of the area is drugs and prostitution. I deal with the prostitution while Yuri deals the drugs.

"He's covered in scratches and you're covered in hickeys."

"Her boyfriend rearranged her guts not me." Yuri said

"Truthfully Yuri wouldn't be able to give me a back scratching orgasm. I doubt he'd be able to reach my gspot." Haruhi bit back

"Well even a bus is small if you park it in the Grand Canyon."

"Enough you two. This isn't an argument I want to listen to. Who are you dating?" I asked Haru

"Well he's a great guy. Super nice and he treats me well."

"That's not what I asked." I crossed my arms

"You were in here for a reason. Let's move on to that."

"I'll have time for Yuri. Why are you dodging the question?"

"Cause you get over protective and lecture me whenever I date."

"Cause you date assholes who I end up having to dump at the bottom of a river." I explain

"He's in a mafia. You actually know him."

"Which mafia? Stop being so vague." I roll my eyes

"Italian. I'm dating Matteo Lombardi."

I clenched my jaw

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