Chapter 20

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Aleksandr's POV

"Oh fuck! Just like that!" The woman I picked up from the bar moans underneath me

The best part of vacations is the mind blowing sex I have with random women. When I first started raising JJ I stopped sleeping around completely. I would go months without sex and it honestly didn't bother me. Vacations were the one time I had to opportunity to let all my horniness out. Once JJ would go to bed I'd leave Yuri in charge and go find someone to sleep with.

Now that JJ is older and more independent I can sleep around more freely which is the best part of having a teenager in my opinion.

I move the mystery woman's leg over my shoulder and continue with my beastly pace. She screams and scratches my back as she cums around my dick.

Before I get the chance to cum I'm interrupted by loud banging on my door

"Fucking hell. Wait here."

I put on a hotel robe and walk to the door

I open to find all of JJ's friends standing there with a scared look on their faces

"What do you idiots want?"

"Well there's no easy way to say this."

"Get on with it Nikolai." I hiss

"We can't find Adriana or Alessio."

"You what?!"

"They left their phones and suitcases." Noah added

I groan and shut the door

"My twins ran off so I'm gonna need you to get dressed and leave." I tell her

"Oh I know that feeling. I have four boys who run off the first chance they get." She got up and began getting dressed

I found my underwear and put it on. Once we were both decent I opened the door and let her out.

"I hope you find your kids and you get the chance to finish like me." She purrs and I see the kids cringe

"All of you come in."

They reluctantly entered and I sat down and called in my brothers. I told them it was an emergency and they were in my room in a heartbeat.

"What's going on?" Yuri asked

I could tell he was fried

"That's what I'm waiting to find out. Adriana and Alessio both ran off but I'm sure there's more to the story." I crossed my arm and narrowed my eyes at Milo

"Adriana and I got in a fight. Nik stepped in and they got into it too."

"What were you guys fighting about?" Sergei asked

"It's personal."

"Not anymore. The twins are missing so I'm gonna require some transparency."

"She was complaining about my attitude and I told Nik how she wanted to fire him and she revealed a secret of mine."

"It wasn't your place to tell Milo. Adriana was going to talk to him." Sergei told her

"It wasn't her place to reveal my secret to him."

"What secret?" Dimitri asked

Fear was evident on their faces

"Well dad, you're gonna be a grandfather."

"You owe me a grand Dima." I laughed

"What?" Milo asked

"I knew it was only a matter of time before you'd knock her up."

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