Chapter 21

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Anything in bold will be them speaking in Russian. It would've been a lot of dialogue to translate and I'm lazy/concussed

Adriana's POV

"What should we do now? We already got high and drank some of Aleksandr's liquor." my twin asks

"Wanna help me out with a hit?" 

"Really?" His eyes widened with excitement

"Yeah! I do freelancing when Aleksandr isn't around." I tell him

"Do you think Aleksandr would let me join your mafia? Dad forbade me from ever participating in the family business. They said I'm too innocent to ever be useful in that environment."

I could see how hurt he was by Alessandro's words

"I get wanting to shield you from the horrors of the underworld but that was the meanest way to express it."

"Do you think I'm cut out to be in the mafia?" He asked

"You're my twin so of course you have what it takes. You're really good with explosives and if I were in charge I'd utilize your skills like my father does with Sergei. Should you be involved? I'd say no. It's a very dangerous world and you have the privilege of existing outside of that. So many mafia kids wish to be able to marry and have kids who can lead a normal life. I've been in the underworld so long I can't imagine my life without it but I honestly can't ever see myself wanting to have kids outside of creating an heir. I don't think I'll ever be able to handle the fear of having a child in our world. I obviously have to have an heir one day but I already feel bad for my future children." I explained

"Can this hit be our little secret then?" He asked

"Yeah, it'll be your first and hopefully your last."

"So how does this work? Do I get an owl mask too?" He grinned

"Shhh! Aleksandr retired the Little Owl. We will dress in all black. Make sure the clothing you wear allows you to move freely and doesn't expose much skin. It's gonna be cold because a snow storm is afoot. I normally wear under armour, gloves, and a long sleeve shirt with a mask and hood attached to it."

"Cool, so what's the hit?"

"Some politician is staying at a hotel in downtown Moscow. We're being paid to make him to go bye bye so I was thinking we rig his car with a bomb. Since you haven't been trained in hand to hand combat or received weapons training I'll deal with all the guards while you booby trap his car."

"I don't have any materials to make a car bomb."

"That's fine. Sergei makes a lot of bombs for Aleksandr so we can just borrow some of his." I shrugged

"Will he be okay with that?"

"He won't even notice. We're only taking 1."

"Where are the bombs stored?" Alessio asked

"I'm not sure."

"Then how the heck are we supposed to borrow it?"

"Aleksandr probably has a clue in his office or bedroom. Let's go snoop around."

One hour later

We didn't find anything in his office so we went into his bedroom. We completely trashed his room in order to find his safe. I used his stethoscope to open his old fashioned safe.

"Awww he has a photo album of you and Nikolai as kids in here."

"Forget that, we found his laptop!" I celebrated

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