(Rewrite) Chapter 1: Newcomer. Start of this New Wonderful World's Life

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After some good ten hours of trying to turn the cannon into a bracelet, i began to walk into-...i forgot to ask Eris how this world was called

Y/N:"Good job Y/N, you always forget the important stuff!" I shouted to myself

In any case...the best place to start an adventure is the Adventurer's Guild, which is located-!..

Y/N:"...the important stuff"

And so...my search for the guild began, without knowledge of where i was even going


Y/N:"Note to self, if you die and reincarnate, never forget to ask for a map..." I sighed internally as i kept walking, somehow not tired from the long walk around the field

In my train of thought and regret, i suddenly ended bumping onto someone that was walking on the opposite way to me, who tripped backwards after our sudden encounter

Y/N:"Oh shoot, are you alright?" I asked in concern to my actions, knowing it was mostly my fault for paying no attention

Brown-haired guy:"I am i am, that hurt..." Said in pain the guy on the floor. I offered him a hand, which he gladly took and allowed me to lift him up

Y/N:"Sorry, i wasn't looking for where i was going"

Brown-haired guy:"It's alr-" He stopped midsentence, looking at me and examining my clothing


Brown-haired guy:"You're not from here, right?" His words made me react, could he be one of my people?

Y/N:"You're from the other world too?"

Brown-haired guy:"Died and reincarnated here, good to know i'm not alone!" He said in surprise to meeting someone else that comes from his same world, and i can't say i wasn't either

Brown-haired guy:"I'm Kazuma Satou, good to meet you man!" He offered his hand to shake, which i took and did said action

Y/N:"Y/N L/N, same to you pal!"

After our handshake and 'reunion', i decided to ask the important question- not gonna let it happen twice

Y/N:"Say, do you happen to know where the guild is?"

Kazuma:"Oh, we're trying to find it as well, i didn't ask for a map..." He awkwardly chuckled

Y/N:"Relatable...wait, 'we'?"

Soon enough, another voice was heard from behind him

???:"Kazuma, who are you talking to?" Looking in direction of the voice, i saw a girl with blue hair of an age similar to ours

Kazuma:"Ah right, Y/N meet Aqua. Aqua this is Y/N" He introduced us both once the blue haired arrived

Y/N:"Hey, pleasure meeting yo-"

Aqua:"Yes that's right, i am the goddess Aqua, now say your prayers and bow before me!" She interrupted me to talk in an arrogant voice, doing a pose infront of me along

Y/N:"...Did you dream it or what?"


Aqua:"Of course not! Do you not know me!?" Her tone changed to a more aggressive one, however it didn't intimidate either

Y/N:"I'm sure you're not even known in your home with that attitude..."

Aqua's eyes widen in shock at my statement

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