(Rewrite) Chapter 2: Beginning of the Adventure with an Explosive New Member

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Y/N's PoV

We were waiting for Aqua to wake up the next morning after agreeing to head out for quests, in the meantime i was trying to lift my cannon again all while Kazuma practiced with his sword

Kazuma: "When is she waking up..?" Asked Kazuma looking over to the sleeping Aqua

Y/N: "How about ditching her here and going on-?"

Aqua: *Yawns* "Oh, good morning..." Aqua woke up just as i said that, ruining my plan in less than a second

Y/N: "Couldn't you have stayed asleep for half a minute more?" I said sighing in annoyance

Kazuma: "Don't you "good morning" us! It's noon already! What happened to "you can count on me"!?"


Y/N: "Ehe te nandayo!?"

Aqua: "S-sorry, i thought that because we didn't have any more work today i could sleep without much to worry about..." She scratched the back of her head, though Kazuma wasn't having any of it and grabbed my bracelet to throw it at Aqua's head, landing a bullseye and knocking her down

Kazuma: "Useless..." He picked the bracelet up and threw it at me, i caught it and put it on my wrist again

Y/N: "Are we going or what?" I said adjusting the bracelet

Kazuma: "We sure a-"

???: "HEY, I TOLD YOU TO KEEP IT DOWN!" Shouted again the same man from before


Aqua yawned again, making me realize something

Y/N: "-nevermind, i said nothing"


Quest: Defeat 5 giant toads. 0/5


Y/N: "..."

Kazuma: "Y/N, AQUA, HELP ME!!!" Kazuma was being chased by a giant toad as Aqua and i stared, though Aqua was laughing at Kazuma's disgrace and i was processing how the hell a world can have frogs that big

We accepted a quest to kill giant toads, however i didn't expect them to be THIS big, just expected a type of toad like the ones in my world...a little bigger maybe, but this was ridiculous

Aqua: "Hey Kazuma! Do you want my help? Well sure, you just need to do these next things!" By the time i returned to reality, i heard Aqua speaking and turned to look at her, seeing a frog getting closer from behind her

Y/N: "Uh...Aqua-?"

Aqua: "One second Y/N. So on lunch time every time i say "gimme" you'll give me what you're eating without doubting..." She wasn't even paying attention to the earthquake-like shaking the floor gave whenever the frog jumped

Y/N: "Aqua i know you have a goddess complex and all, but-"

Aqua: "Just a moment. You'll also join the Axis club got it? And pray to me eeevery morning- oh and also-!" But before she could say anything else, the frog got close enough and ate her, it was the same toad that was chasing Kazuma a while ago, it managed to hear Aqua talking and approached her

Y/N: "And this is why i don't brag of my nuke birb privileges"

Kazuma: "Should you get her out?" Asked Kazuma walking up to me

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