Chapter 9: New home, new... foes?

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We were next to a campfire, Aqua was chivering of cold, Kazuma was sitted next to a wall, as for me, just seeing how they will resolve the cold weather

Aqua:"its too cold"

Megumin:"i agree" the kid was hugging me, why? because if you remember i use nuclear fusion energy, so i let pass nuclear energy through my body to warm myself up, and it seems that it also works for someone else if is near to me, in this case, Megumin

Megumin:"so warm..."

Y/N:"this is akward"

Just then a gust of wind passed through the fire, making it go out

Aqua:"the fire!" she was about to put in the fire Kazuma's old tracksuit to avoid it for extingishing

Kazuma:"hey what are you doing!? quit screwing around! this is my only memento from Japan!"

Aqua:"i dont have any choice, there's no other way to put the fire up again"

Kazuma:"then get near Y/N, he can warm himself and everyone who is near him"

Aqua:"i would but..."

Megumin:"go near him, you're burned pin"

Y/N:"good one Megu"

Megumin:"i learned from you"

Aqua:"let go! warm me up, warm me up more!"

And another gust of wind blew the fire out completely

Aqua:"w-wait, hold on!"

She started to blow on the fire to burn it up, but to no avail

Kazuma:"i can't go on like this, we need to do something and fast"

Aqua:"Megumin, can you let me..."


Y/N:"you know i can light up the fire again, right?"

Kazuma:"and probably the whole village too"

Y/N:"yeah, good point"


We where at a store now, how does the timeskip work anyway?

Kazuma:"alright, we're here, and i'll say it while i can, Aqua don't throw any fists, ok?"

Aqua:"who do you think i am? im not a hoodlum or outlaw, i'm a goddess, a bona-fied deity"

When entering i feel a really familiar aura, like of an...


Aqua & Y/N:"YOU!" is an undead

Aqua:"its you! you damned undead, you opened a shop up here, im sleeping in the stables while you run a shop!? you're pretty full of yourself lich, i'll burn this shop in the name of Go--"

Just then Kazuma hitted her with his sword

Kazuma:"what happened to "who do you think i am?" you look like an outlaw robbing a shop to me"

Y/N:"have you set your prayers undead?"

Kazuma:"you turn off that cannon, don't shoot her!"


Kazuma:"hi Wiz, its been a while, huh?"


Explosive Duo [Rewrite coming soon!]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat