Chapter 7: Y/N vs Dullahan: Y/N's Rage unleashed

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Dullahan:"all of you... why haven't you come to my castle!?"

Shouted the undead in black armor on the mount before us

Dullahan:"i've waited this entire time for you to come to me, why didn't you come!?"

Y/N:"well, we've stopped using explotion magic on your castle, why ya so mad?"

Dullahan:"those are lies, my castle still explodes every single day!"

Y/N:"well, it can't be Megumin alone, cause she can't get up after it, so she must have'd an accomplice..."

Just then Aqua started whistling

Kazuma:"it was you isn't it?"

Aqua:"well, yeah, cause of him i can't accept any decent quests, that was for revenge!"

Kazuma:"you killed us all you useless goddess!"

Dullahan:"Listen you fools" he was now in a dark aura, which everyone felt intimidated but me

Verdia:"my name's Verdia, this isn't the only thing i'm deeply offended, don't you have a backbone to avenge the retributin of you fallen ally!? i may be evil now, but in life i strove to be an upstanding knight! and in my opinion, letting that crusader, a model knight who protected her ally of my curse, to go to waste by simply--"

Darkness:"gosh... a Model knight? uhm... i don't know what to say..."


Y/N:"well, ya see, the thing is that when you left Aqua here took the curse from Darkness"

Aqua:"what's this? the Dullahan was waiting for us to go to his castle all this entire time and didn't know we lifted the curse right after he left!? Thats hilarious! super hilarious!"

Verdia:"th-thats it, i felt like it, but i'll just massacre every single habitant of this city"

Aqua:"you're awfully cocky for an undead"

Verdia:"do you think a spell from a novice arch-priest will do som--"

Aqua:"Turn undead!" she shot the spell at Verdia, making his horse dissapear and leaving only him, who was now rolling in the ground in pain

Aqua:"hey Kazuma, this isn't right! the spell didn't work!"

Kazuma:"i dont know, i mean, he went "GHAAAAA" and all"

Verdia:"are you really a begginer? isn't this city supposed to be for begginers? a-anyhow, i'll just send my army to fight you then"

He then swung his hand making floating armors appear from the ground

Y/N:"Aqua, you freaked him out, he even send his army to fight us instead"

Verdia:"t-thats not it! why should the boss be the first to fight you!?"

Aqua:"sacred turn undead!"

A magic circle appeared beneath Verdia and then shot a laser to the sky, making him scream in pain once more

Aqua:"it's not working! Y/N what should we do!?"

Y/N:"i think it did something, i mean, he went "YHAAA" and all"

He then got up with his armor smoking

Verdia:"ok, that's enough, slaughter everyone in the city!"

The army of floating armor went for the city

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