Chapter 6: New rivals

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We were at the stables with a sack of gold from a quest we just made, on which Aqua fainted by seeing it

Kazuma:"this isn't the type of life i imagined"

Y/N:"what ya mean? this is exactly how i imagined, even better!" i said lifting my cannon

Kazuma:"i mean, taking care of a useless goddess, being satisfied with a few coins, it isn't the type of life i imagined a parallel world will have, i should be with a cursed sword beating dragons, monsters and beating the devil king, being lauded as a chosen hero, but this?"

Y/N:"ok, i do get your point, but at least i got one of my favorite weapons"

Kazuma:"*sigh* i only wish there would be more useful allies like you and not... like her!"

He said pointing at Aqua

Y/N:"just shut up, we'll talk about this later, im exausted"


Aqua:"a quest! lets accept one, thanks to the dullahan there are only hard ones but lets accept one!"

Y/N:"fine, lets do one"

Kazuma:"what? are you insane?"

Darkness:"i wouldn't mind"

Y/N:"of course you wouldn't"

Aqua:"please! im sick of working part time in the shopping district! the owner yells at me if i dont sell any croquetes! please! ill work hard this time!"

Kazuma:"you know what, sure, i'll run out of money eventually so go ahead and pick one"

Aqua:"yes sir" she then left to the quest board

Megumin:"don't you think she'll get a hard one?"

Y/N:"im with her in this, i dont trust Aqua"

Darkness:"im okay with that"

Y/N:"of course you are"

I quickly got to Aqua to see what quest she'll get

Aqua:"alright! this one it is"

Y/N:"don't you dare, are you insane?" i said taking the quest from her and giving it to Kazuma

Kazuma:"what? "There's a place where a manticore and a griffin are fighting over territory, please kill both of them, the reward is 500,000 Eris" Are you that dumb!?"

Aqua:"how about this one? "the quality of the towns lake water had declined, and brutal alligators started to live in there, so i would like it puified, the alligators may move to a different place if its purified so there's no need to kill them, the reward is 300,000"this is perfect for me, how about it?"

Kazuma:"you're actually capable of purifying water?"

Aqua:"you fool! who do you think i am? for my hair, eyes and name you should know"

Kazuma:"the goddess of party tricks?"

Aqua:"no you idiot! water, goddess of water!"

Y/N:"just accept it then, if you do it alone you'll keep the reward all for yourself"

Aqua:"w-well, monsters are likely to attack while i purify it, so i would like you to protect me while i'm at it"

Y/N:"sure, how much will it take? 30 minutes?"

Aqua:"half a day or so..."

Y/N:"yep im out, thats too much"

Aqua:"please! im begging you"

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