Chapter 1

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You stare at the grocery list, eyes squinting to try to read the words you'd half-mindedly written down this morning.

Your boss convinced you to take Friday off when it slipped that Jungwon has been having separation anxiety lately, as he hasn't spent time with his mother this whole winter break.

You'd been doing overtime - on weekdays and weekends - and your boss, a mother herself, knows that overworking would take its toll on you and your son, especially as a single parent. It's why you're here now, grocery shopping with the little one, something he enjoys doing with you, too.

Still, it's just one day and it's not really enough to compensate for all the other days you work your ass off at the company, but the pay is good and the people are kind; those have been enough for you to stay the past two years.

A smile forms on your face once you decipher the crooked words on the piece of paper you're holding up. You can make out the word 'banana' right before 'milk,' 'choc' somewhere near 'ice cream,' and 'bron' just next to 'cereal.' Brown cereal? Did he mean cocoa pops?

Jungwon has improved his writing and vocabulary and you pat yourself on the back for the times you'd forced yourself awake during your Sunday rest time just so you could guide him on his workbook. You congratulate yourself for thinking of showing him flash cards while he scrubs himself in the makeshift tub during bath time. And you thank the heavens for your best friend Taehyung's bright idea of setting up a blackboard on the wall on Jungwon's side of the bed so he can doodle until he falls asleep.

"Am I not the best uncle, muffin?" Taehyung had asked the little one then, who always knew what to answer.

"You and uncle Joonie are the best," Jungwon had said.

Your kid is a ball of fluff, you'd almost think it's genetic because you definitely are not one, but the other half of him is.

You brush away that thought before your chest begins to tighten. You choose to think that Tae and your older brother Namjoon, whom Jungwon spends the most time with apart from you, are true softies and he'd definitely gotten it from them.

You're still smiling, insides warming enough to brave through the January cold until you realize that you're no longer hearing your son's buzzing sound that he does when he plays with his airplane. For all his softness, he does give you a heart attack every once in a while because of his tendency to scurry somewhere that piques his interest. It was probably the aisle that had those chocolates he wanted so you pick up your basket and rush to the one right next to where you are.

Your heart drops to the floor at the sight of your son standing in front of a man who's crouching down, tinkering with the toy. It probably disassembled again and this does not earn you a pat on the back this time for forgetting to buy Jungwon a new one that's more age-appropriate, and for not paying enough attention.

You're partly shocked and partly curious - he's a shy kid, tends to run back to you at the sight of an unfamiliar person, wide eyes usually on full display when someone tries to get his attention.

But not right now. He's still wide-eyed but he's sporting a shy smile, one he tries to suppress by biting his lower lip. Wonder where he got that from. Such mannerisms aren't genetic too, right?

The mystery man hands him the toy airplane, which Jungown clutches to his chest. He bows at the man and whispers a 'thank you.' If that man wanted to do something bad, he would've taken Jungwon already but he hasn't. You're glad that at least a kind man has found your son.

"Jungwon, sweetie. Come here, please," you call out, moving a bit to try to get the man's attention to express your thanks but he's sporting a hoodie that's engulfing his face. Maybe you should've been more scared.

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