Chapter 19

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"You're really doing this, huh?" Namjoon asks as you haul the remaining box of toys in his trunk.

It's Thursday, your move-in day at Jungkook's apartment, which is a few days earlier than scheduled. Your mean old building owner, upon realizing your relationship with a star athlete, agreed to extend your lease for another month but for double the rent. When you declined and gave him shit for being an asshole, he proved to be even worse by kicking you out earlier, and at a short notice.

You're glad that your boss approved your two-day leave so you can settle in, and that Namjoon and Jin are free today to help you pack up and move your remaining stuff since Jungkook is still on his way home from an away game in another city.

"Joon, I've literally been talking to you everyday since I decided on this. Don't tell me you're doubting this now," you respond, walking over to the passenger seat of his SUV, your mode of transportation for the day since your car broke down. Again.

"It's not out of doubt," he says, as he honks at Jin's car up ahead where your other things are, to signal that it's time to go.

"It's more like, wow you're really doing this, really moving in with your ex-boyfriend-slash-still-the-love-of-your-life with the child you both created like you're finally a complete family."

Namjoon is met with silence and he calls out to you, who's suddenly looking nervous and unsure.

"I'm an idiot. I did this prematurely. I wasn't thinking," you panic, head on your hands. "I'm so stupid."

"Okay, you're the one doubting this," he says and turns to you. "Talk to me. I thought you were okay. You sounded okay."

"Yeah, I was. Until you put it the way you did just now!" You exclaim, smacking his arm.

"So Jungkook is still the love of your life," Namjoon confirms.

You blink rapidly and turn away, and he smiles, knowing it's your non-verbal means of agreement.

"I mean, I always knew. It's just, you never really talked about it because everything had been about Jungwon. And I know this move is about your son but it's also for you, isn't it?"

"I was being selfish about this," you shake your head. "God, those two just had to freaking smile at me then I was a goner. I literally melted and gave in."

You turn your body, concern still painted on your face. "Joon, what am I gonna do? I can't take this back."

"Why are you suddenly so worried about this? Where is this coming from? Lay out the variables then we'll go through them one by one," he says, tone serious now.

You scrunch your nose and mumble that you're not his student so you bombard him with questions instead.

"What if Jungkook and I fight? What if we can't stand each other and it becomes hard to live together and then Jungwon notices that? What if Jungkook realizes he's lonely and finds another woman but can't bring her home because we're there? And then I'll feel guilty? And sad. And heartbroken," you rant.

"And then what if it becomes too much and then we'll have to move out with no place to stay? How do I tell Jungwon that? I can't break his heart. What will he feel? He'll think I'm terrible for giving him false hope that our family can be complete, and then he'll grow up hating me."

You stare at him in horror, as each scene plays out vividly in your head.

"Are you done?" Namjoon asks.

"There's probably more but I'm scaring myself too much already."

"Okay, first of all, I don't think you and Jungkook will fight. You barely fought when you were together and the only times you did were because he was being too rowdy or annoying but never about serious stuff because—" he raises his hand before you can cut him off—

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