Chapter 29

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You wake up shortly past 6AM, your body now used to being up at this hour. You're not used to an arm over your waist though, and soft breathing warming the back of your neck.

You savor this for a while, missing moments like this with Jungkook and how it used to be when everything was still and it was just you and him in your own little world, until reality kicked in and responsibilities like school and baseball pulled you away from each other, one leaving the other's home, waiting for the next time that you could see each other again.

Your responsibility this time is Jungwon, though, and it's a welcome one. He's not used to waking up without his Mama next to him and you don't want him to feel sad about it, knowing he'd been tired and looking for you the day before. But you give yourself some time first, knowing he won't be up soon, and you turn to the man next to you.

Jungkook is so beautiful when he looks peaceful, when there's no game to analyze, no batting average to obsess over, no workout or training to think about. He's snoring louder than you remember, and you wonder if that's a product of getting older or if it's from last night. Regardless, it's one you don't mind getting used to this time around.

You can't help but think of all he went through though, from when you walked out of his life, to starting on his own in a foreign place. You haven't talked much about it. All you know are from what your friends have told you, how Jungkook worked so hard to perfect his craft, not just to honor his father but to try to forget about you, too.

You can't help but think, too, that he succeeded, dating Maia for almost two years, sharing parts of himself with her, being intimate with her, maybe loving her.

You wonder what he felt and thought about that night you left, how hurt he must've been at the thought that you didn't want him anymore, that you didn't love him enough to try.

Though he agreed, he asked you to stay, begged you not to go, the words passing through the door that separated you two before you finally walked away. Even at the end of it, he was crying out for you and you left him there, all alone.

He'd told you that it had been hard, that he had to live with believing that you didn't think it would work out. You never had to worry about that, at least right after, because essentially it wasn't his decision, it was yours. You had your son to remind you everyday of the love you shared with his father, while all Jungkook had were photos and memories of what was, what he no longer had.

Your chest tightens again at the thought of this, of how much you hurt him, and though everything had felt like a dream - from Jungwon wanting Jungkook, to Jungkook wanting you - you start to wonder, is it really this easy, him forgiving you and moving on?

You try not to dwell on it, and instead kiss his cheek before you head out and walk towards your room, quietly opening the door to see that Jungwon hasn't moved much since last night. You take one of the pillows away and lie down next to him, smiling at the thought of the older version of him that you'd just woken up next to earlier, and you let the little one's soft breathing lull you back to sleep.


Soft knocks awaken you, and you find Jungkook peeking at the door, questioning eyes wondering if he could disturb you.

You nod at him to come in and he sits on the edge of the bed. "Good morning," he says, softly as the little one is just starting to wake up.

"Good morning," you smile, eyes tired and body still feeling a little sore.

"I know you're tired," he smirks, "but the guys are on their way and I was hoping maybe you could help me set up?"

You'd almost forgotten the party at the apartment today, hence why you didn't even set your alarm, which tells you that it's past 10AM. The celebration with your friends is happening today, and Jungkook decided to have it here so that Jungwon can play with his toys or nap while the adults eat and game and drink about.

"Oh yeah, I'm so sorry," you say, eyes wide in apology. "I'll get us ready and we'll head out." You kiss him on the cheek as he expectantly looks at you, and you let Jungwon do the same before you head to the bathroom and prepare yourself for another long day.

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