Act I • Chapter 16

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Zabuza and Haku

Naomi had planned on saving those lost babies. However, if she were to join team 7 on their mission so suddenly, Naruto and the others, especially the high ranking jonin Kakashi, might get suspicious and would probably deemed her as a traitor by the end of the mission.

Good thing she made the right decision of telling Danzo the real reason for her leave permit. Her excuse was simple: I'm worried about my brother's first venture outside the village, his safety will be a gamble when a strong enemy might appear. The nine-tailed fox inside of him might get unleashed if danger surrounds him so I will be secretly protecting him for the wellbeing of Leaf village. The old man might have been possessed by an angelic deity hence why he easily agreed to her will.

Team Gai is free for the day as well and so Naomi had no problem in sneaking out of Konoha without having to get caught by them. The night before, Naruto had told her all about the occurrence at the Hokage's tower. About how he was able to get the old man to give him and his team a B rank mission. Naomi feigned ignorance as she listened to her brother's excited exclamations. And right before they went to bed— to which Naruto joined in her bed yet again— Naomi made sure to remind the boy of the precautions once he's out of the village and things he will be needing for the mission.

Honestly, Naomi knew she didn't have to do that since Naruto already knows how to take care of himself. But the girl wasn't able to stop herself from fussing. In her mind, it is her duty to worry so.

Next day came and currently, Naomi hid herself under the camouflage the tall trees gave, patiently waiting for team 7 and Tazuna's arrival by the bridge in the mist where they will be meeting Zabuza and Haku.

"There!" Oh, there they are.

A kunai went straight through the bushes and to a tree plank behind the green. Kakashi went to retrieve his student's kunai and a white bunny is all that they saw.

"Naruto, look at what you've done!" Sakura's high pitched voice reached Naomi's ears, behind the pinkette's scolding tone, Naomi could sense her unease.

"I swear someone's been following us the whole time!" Naruto exclaimed as he went rushing to the quivering bunny and brought it up to his arms, petting it. "I didn't mean to.. I'm sorry, bunny." Naruto is aware of a presence, but don't know where and who it is. Seems that all those hide and seeking weren't for naught. Naomi skimmed over the group, and was stupefied when she saw Sasuke's calmed posture. Uchiha's are sensitive by heart and to their surroundings, He is also supposed to be far more superior in skill out of the two genin. But Naomi was sure that his guts were telling him nothing of the incoming danger. Naomi had to keep reminding herself that this reality is not the same as the anime she had watched.

A claymore, whom is called the Kubikiribocho, went flying straight towards everyone's head, the same time when Kakashi yelled for everyone to get down.

"If it isn't the rogue ninja of the hidden mist, Zabuza Momochi." Kakashi claimed, his tone unwavering, like an experienced soldier about to partake in a war. Perhaps Naomi gets bored too easily with introductions that her mind drifted off to nothing, and the next thing she knew, Naruto had been airborne by a water clone of Zabuza.

"Hey, you, with no brows." The blonde boy got up on his feet, hand clutching the headband that has been detached from his forehead by the punch sent by Zabuza' clone. "Record in your Bingo book.. about the man who will one day become the Leaf's village Hokage." His blistered hands carefully tied the village's headband back where it rightfully belongs to. And with a challenged expression, he proudly announced. "Leaf-style ninja, Uzumaki Naruto!"

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"Sakura, take Tazuna and the boys with you and go! You all don't stand a chance against him!" Kakashi's panicked-filled voice went to deaf ears. "No! We're not leaving until all of us are safe!" Naruto yelled back, gaze hardened with determination. "Kakashi-sensei, you taught us just recently that a ninja who abandons their comrade is worse than a scum." Naruto clenched his fist as Kakashi's troubled eyes met his. The jonin was stilled in his stand inside the water prison. "I don't wanna be called nor do I wanna be a scum. So let's get out of here— together!!"

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