Chapter 7 - First Day

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Your POV

Wesley was reading a book while Willow was on her phone. I decided to just chill and try to hang out with them.

I went over to Wesley. "What are you reading?" I asked. Wesley looked at me. "Just a book about world history." He replied.

"Is it interesting?" I asked. Wesley nodded. "Yes, very interesting." He said as he continued reading. I sat beside him and also tried to read from his book.

But you were both disturbed by someone slamming the door open. It was your brother, Cruise.

"Heyy Y/N! Z4 told me you were up so I figured you'd be here!" He smiled. "Did you have to barge in?" Willow groaned. Cruise shrugged.

"Yep." He said as he sat beside me. "So sis, how was last night? Did you sleep well?" He asked. "I had a nightmare again." I told him.

"Ehh, but Im sure that'll slip away soon enough." Cruise said, trying to make me feel happier. "Did Cyrus do anything?" "No." I replied.

"Good." My brother smiled. "Did you eat already? Z4 said you tried to make pancakes but failed so you went to our dorm to ask me for something to eat."

"Yea, Z4 gave me a sandwhich instead because he said you were asleep." I responded. Cruise smirked a bit before going back to his cheerful attitude.

We both continued chatting as the others go into the room. When Z4 came in, he looked at me and blushed before sitting behind me.

Cruise seemed to smile at Z4 while Z4 nervously tried to look away. I just watched in confusion before shrugging it off.

As everyone else started to enter the classroom, I noticed Cyrus wasn't there yet. "Cruise, do you have any idea where Cyrus is right now?" I asked my brother.

Cruise scoffed. "How should I know? He's probably playing something." He replied to me with annoyance. "Why do you ask?"

"Im just curious, thats all." I told him. "You sound a little concerned." Cruise said. I didn't reply and instead wait for the teacher quietly.

When the teacher came, we greeted her and she did the same. "Alright class, we have a new student. She is the sister of Cruise. Her name is Y/N." She said.

Me being shy, I try to smile as everyone looked at me. Cruise, being a supportive brother, was doing his best to make me feel less pressured by giving me a thumbs up.

"Y/N, why don't you introduce yourself?" She smiled at me. I felt like I was going to die from fear but I gave a shot at trying to talk about myself.

"Hi, Im Y/N. Im Cruise's younger sister. I like to read books and play video games sometimes." I said. "Ah ok. Nice to meet you, Y/N." The teacher told me.

"Anyways, now we can-"

But the teacher was interrupted by someone entering the classroom. "Oh its him." I heard Cruise whisper.

Cyrus walked in like nothing bad is going on. He went over to his seat and pretended nothing happened.

"Cyrus you are late, as always." The teacher said. Cyrus shrugged. "Eh, whatever." He replied.

The teacher sighed but continued what she was saying. While she was starting the lesson, I look over to Cyrus, who looked bored and didn't seem to be listening.

I look away from him and pay attention to the teacher. I easily understood what she was teaching and participated a lot.

I could tell she was impressed by my intelligence, especially since I was younger than most of the people in the classroom.

The class went by fast, for me at least, and soon, the bell rang. "Alright, you are all dismissed." The teacher said. "And Y/N, could I speak with you first?"

As everyone left, I walk over to the teacher. "Y/N, you are smarter than how Cruise described. I am very impressed. I hope you continue this for the rest of the year." She told me.

I was a bit flattered. "Thank you, miss. I promise I'll do my best for the year." I replied. The teacher smiled.

"Well, I don't want to keep you any longer. You can go with your friends and brother now." She said. I nodded, said goodbye, and headed out to find my brother.

I found Cruise talking with Z4 in the cafeteria. I decided to stay with him because I felt more comfortable around my brother.

"Hey guys. How's it going?" I asked as I approached them. "Um, h-hey Y/N." Z4 stuttered. Cruise smirked. "What did the teacher say?" He asked me.

"She just said that she's impressed by my intellect." I responded. "And how she expects me to continue my behaviour for the rest of the year."

"Thats good. I told her before you came that you were a smart person." Cruise smiled. "Heh, thanks." I said as I sat down beside him.

I look at Z4 who looked uneasy. "Are you ok?" I asked him. "Huh? Oh me?? Im doing just fine." Z4 said, though he was obviously lying.

"You sure?" I questioned. "Yep, never been better." He replied. Despite knowing that this wasn't true, I let it slide.

While I was talking to Z4, Cruise was watching the both of us. "Y/N, Im just going to go to the bathroom. You can hang with Z4 for a while." He said as he stood up.

"Wait what?!" Z4 exclaimed. Cruise chuckled as he walked over to Z4 and whispered something to him. Z4 wanted to say something but Cruise already left.

An awkward silence lingered as we were both too shy to say anything. "So Y/N, um, what do you want to talk about?" Z4 asked.

I shrugged. "Anything, I guess." I replied. "Uh, ok. Wanna talk about cats?" Z4 asked. It was a random question but I said sure.

As we started talking about cats, I learned that Z4 has a pet cat because he lives with his grandmother, Ruth.

While we were chatting, I heard a familiar voice call my name. "Y/N, why are you hanging around this idiot?" Cyrus said as he walked towards me and Z4.

"Because technically we're both idiots according to you." I told him. Z4 giggled but Cyrus growled. "And where's your brother?" He asked.

"Bathroom." Z4 and I said at the same time. We look at each other for a moment before looking back at Cyrus, who had a smirk on his face.

"Oh, so he's not around?"

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