Chapter 9 - Dreamin' and Thinkin'

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Your POV

I stare at Cyrus after he asked me about my nightmare yet again. "I told you, I don't want to talk about it." I replied, looking away.

"Haha, who said you had a choice in this?" Cyrus said as he continued bugging me. "Tell me what happened or I will break your neck."

"Stop disturbing me or I will scream and Cruise will attack you." I tell him, still trying to get him to leave me alone.

"Im not afraid of him. Go ahead and scream." Cyrus answered but I stayed silent. "As I thought. Now, I really don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to."

I didn't want to tell him anything, especially since the dream was very personal and private. I'll just tell him part of what the dream was.

"Fine, I'll tell you. I was dreaming of being trapped in a cold and dark place with no escape. But then everything suddenly changed." I explained.

Cyrus probably believed me because he nodded and stopped bothering me. I sighed to myself and went back to my thoughts.

I was thinking about my parents again. Cruise brought it up when I was hanging with him and Z4 so I couldn't get it out of my head.

My parents never liked me. Cruise was their favorite child. They gave him all their attention and love while they treated me like a stranger.

My parents saw me as a mistake. They never bothered to pay much attention to me because all they saw was a girl who never should have existed.

They separated me and Cruise for most of the time. We went to different schools and were rarely allowed to even see each other.

But Cruise still cared for me. He has no idea about how my parents are treating me and cares for me like a brother should.

But even he doesn't understand what Im going through. I've never told anyone about my parents' abuse and constant hurting of me.

They've broken me mentally. Because of them, Im always worrying and scared. Despite being smart, I've always felt that I was never good enough.

I don't expect anyone to understand this though. After all, Im pretty sure no one has been through a situation similar to mine.

I shrug it off as I switch my attention to my new classmates. Z4 is sort of fine. Cruise seems to think that Z4 is a nice guy so I guess I can trust him.

Z4 is kind to me and he isn't mean like Cyrus. The only problem is that Z4 acts kind of nervous and shy around me. I still don't know why though.

Cydnee is also fine. She's happy, cheerful, and friendly. She was the first one who insisted on becoming my friend.

Willow is cool. She always seems to be chill yet she's kind to me. She never actually hurt me so I guess I can trust her.

Wesley, despite being Cyrus' brother, is a great person. We're similar in a way so it was easy for us to get to know each other.

And of course, there's Cyrus, my pushy roommate who everyone happens to hate. He's mean and snobbish but there's probably a lot I still don't know about him.

Something about him still makes him interesting, for me at least. I don't know what, but I just think he's cool.

I would never tell this to anyone, since they would all tell me that Cyrus is a jerk who deserves nothing.

But I personally think there's nothing wrong with him. Sure, he's mean to everyone but maybe there's a reason why he's acting like this?

I don't know what the reason is but I won't ask. Cyrus probably won't answer so I'll just wait to find out someday.

While I was thinking, I noticed Cyrus staring at me. I look at him and tilt my head. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He responded. He probably wasn't aware that he was staring. Cyrus looked away as I decided to go to my brother.

"Im just headed to Cruise and Z4." I told my roommate as I stood up. "I'll be back in maybe 15 minutes."

"Why do you always hang around those idiots all the time?" Cyrus questioned. "Firstly, I don't hang with them all the time. Secondly, Cruise is my brother so I have every right to hang with him and his friends." I answered.

"Meh, whatever. Just don't take long. Its a pain having to wait for you." Cyrus said. Oh, so he does wait for me.

"K. Bye and see you later." I told him as I walked out the dorm and proceeded to walk to the dorm of my brother.

After walking for a while and finding Cruise's dorm. I knock a few times to wait for someone to let me in. But no one answered the door.

I tried to move the doorknob and found that the door was unlocked. I decided to quietly let myself in, considering Cruise wouldn't mind me doing so since Im his sister.

After I found myself in his dorm, I saw that the living room was empty. Cruise and Z4 are probably either in the kitchen or bedroom then.

I checked the kitchen but no one was there. That's when I heard sounds coming from the bedroom. It sounded like people having an argument.

I stand outside the bedroom door to listen to whatever conversation was going on inside.

"For the last time! I don't find her cute!" I heard the voice of Z4. "Fine. Then you think she's pretty." I could make out Cruise's voice.

"She's not- you know what? Why don't we just stop talking about Y/N?" Wait, the girl that they're talking about is me?

"Whatever. You're just too shy to admit your feelings for my sister." Feelings? What kind of feelings?

"Yea, I am. Now please shut up while I get something from the kitchen-" And at that moment the door opened and I found yourself face to face with Z4.

"Y/N?? What are you doing here??!" Z4 stuttered nervously with a blush on his face. "Wait, Y/N's here?" I heard Cruise call out as he moved Z4 aside and looked at me.

"Uh, hey sis. What are you doing here so suddenly?" Cruise asked. I look at Z4 who was looking shy.

"Um, I think I heard everything-"

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