Chapter 20 - Rescue Mission

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"Wait what?! Why did they do it now?"

Cruise and I stopped and looked at Z4. "What do you mean 'they did it now'?" I asked Z4. "DID YOU KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT THIS?!" I attempted to attack Z4 but Cruise held me back.

"Z4, explain yourself." Cruise demanded. "I- um, uh-" Z4 stuttered. "SPIT IT OUT B****!" I yelled at him.

"IkindaaskedouroldfriendNicktokidnapY/Nsothatshe'llthinkImcoolandditchyou." Z4 said quickly.

"What-" "He said he arranged someone to kidnap Y/N so he could win her back." Cruise interrupted me as he let me go. "But why would you do that?"

"Because Cyrus apparently likes Y/N as well and Y/N likes him back instead of me." Z4 replied as he folded his arms and turned around.

"Ohh, so that's why you were mad." Cruise said. "But also, Cyrus, lay off my sister." I shrugged.

"Anyways Z4, continue." Cruise told Z4 as he glared at me. "Well, I asked Nick -you remember him right?- and his sister to kidnap Y/N but I told them to do it earlier instead of what we planned because I was angry when Cyrus and Y/N went on a date." Z4 explained.

"WAIT, YOU GUYS WENT ON A DATE?!" Cruise shouted at me. "More like a chill hangout but yeah you could say that." I replied with a smirk.

"Grrr, why you-" "Shut up. You can growl at me when we get Y/N back. Z4, just call off the plan." I told Z4.

"But- ugh, fine." Z4 got out his phone and called my old rival, Nick.

"Uhh, hey Nick. Yeah, um, you have Y/N right?"

"Listen, something came up. Can you release Y/N?"

"No? What do you mean no?!"



Nick must have hung up because Z4 put his phone down. "What did he say?" I asked. "Nick isn't letting Y/N go. He wants her for himself." Z4 replied.

"WHAT?!" Cruise and I exclaimed. "No, we're going to get her back." I said. "Uh huh, and how are we going to do that?" Z4 asked.

"We'll go to his house and rescue Y/N like in your plan, except its real now." I told Z4. "But you better not mess up again."

"Look, Im sorry ok. I just got a little bit jealous and-" "A little bit?" "Fine, more like really jealous. But Im willing to help Y/N now."

"Cruise?" I look at the blonde as he watched me talk to Z4. "Im in, but Im gonna talk with both of you after we get my sister back." Cruise pointed at me and Z4.

"Alright, now we need a good plan-" "Already have one." I interrupted Z4. "Of course you do. Lets discuss it inside. Everyone's probably wondering what all the noise is about." Z4 said as me and Cruise followed him into the dorm.

"So whats your plan anyway?" Cruise asked me. "Simple. We distract Nick's sister first, since she's the one handling the security.

"Once we distract her, we sneak in to wherever Y/N is being kept and free her. If we bump into Nick on the way, then we have a fight to the death." I explained, smiling at the last part.

"Not a bad plan. But 2 questions." Cruise responded. "One, how do we distract Nick's sister and two, we're not actually doing a fight to the death are we?"

"Firstly, I know someone who would make a perfect distraction. Secondly, yes, we are gonna do a fight to the death." I smiled.

"Who's the distraction gonna be?" Z4 asked. "Wesley, obviously. Nick's sister has a huge crush on him." I replied.

"Wait, is Wesley even gonna agree to help us?" Cruise questioned. "He has to. Lets go ask him right now." I stood up and walked to Wesley's dorm, with Cruise and Z4 following me.

I knocked on the dorm. It was answered by Wesley. "Cyrus, what are you doing here?" He asked. "Hey, Wesley, are you good with flirting with girls?" I told him.

But Cruise pushed me to the side. "Dude, don't tell him that!" He whispered. "Hehe, sorry Wesley, he didn't-"

"Whatever you want with me, I am not interested." Wesley closed the door in Cruise's face. "See Cyrus! Look what you did!" Cruise glared at me.

He knocked again and Wesley opened the door. "Please go away and leave me alone." Wesley said as he slammed the door yet again.

"Aw c'mon Wesley! You gotta help us!" Z4 cried. "No!" We heard Wesley reply. "We're not gonna leave you alone until you do." Cruise called as he knocked on the door.

But this time, Willow opened it and punched Cruise. Cruise fell back as Willow glared at all of us.

"He said he's not interested. Now shoo or else I'll break your bone next." She said as she was about to close the door.

But I blocked the door with my foot. "Its for Y/N." I told her. Willow stopped. "If you're asking me to spy on her again, no." She responded.

"Look, Y/N's been kidnapped and we need Wesley's help to get her back." I continued talking to Willow.

She looked at me in disbelief first before sighing and opening the door. "Fine, get in." She said in her normal emotionless voice.

After Z4 helped Cruise get up, we followed Willow into the dorm. Wesley looked annoyed when he saw us. "What is it that you want with me anyway?" He questioned.

I explained to Wesley everything and he and Willow looked at each other. "Im predicting that Im the distraction for Rene, correct?" He said.

"You still remember her name?" Willow asked. Wesley nodded. "But what do I do? Talk to her like an undignified lovestruck individual?"

"If you mean flirting, then yes. That's exactly what you will do." I answered. "Im not so sure-" "Wesley, look, its for Y/N." "I- fine, but what do I get in return?"

"I will leave you alone for a month and fix your other pair of glasses that I broke." Everyone looked at us with confusion.

"If you fix 3 of my broken pairs, then I agree." Wesley replied. I hesitated first but I agreed. "For Y/N." I muttered as I shook hands with my brother.

"Good, so when do we put this plan into action?"

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