Chapter 13 - Aftermath

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Time is so kind to me this week so I have a lot of time to update.

"Y/N, I love you."


"But if you don't like me back-"

"No, I- I love you too."

I stuttered with a blush on my face, and looking away. "Heh, you're cute when you're blushing." Cyrus said.

"A-" I couldn't say anything since I was too flustered. "Don't worry about it." Cyrus patted my head as he let go of me and walked to the bedroom, leaving me to process what just happened.

He kissed me and just confessed his love to me. And I confessed my own love to him.

What now? How am I going to tell my brother? Cruise would definetely freak out if he found out Cyrus kissed me. And what do I tell Z4?

I push those thoughts aside. Its nearing night time. I should get some rest. I then take a shower and change into comfortable clothes.

Afrer that, I try to prepare food by myself again. But I give up when I realize that I couldn't open a can. I decide to wait for my roommate.

Cyrus soon walked in after a few minutes. "Um, can you prepare the food... again?" I told him awkwardly.

Cyrus looked at my situation and nodded. "Pfft, ok, N/N." He chuckled. "Whats with the new nickname?" I asked. My roommate shrugged.

"Just thought it would be cute to call you that." He said as he prepared mac and cheese for the both of us. "Oh and next time, ask Cruise to teach you how to cook. Im tired of having to do it for you."

"K." I replied, though I knew Cyrus was only joking. After we finished our dinner, we both went to the bedroom to sleep.

I got on my bed and let myself rest after a long day. "Good night Y/N." I heard Cyrus call out to me. "Good night to you too, Cyrus." I respond before drifting to sleep.

Cyrus POV

I watch as Y/N says good night and falls asleep immediately. I chuckle as I take out my phone and start scrolling through Youtube.

I think about what I did to Y/N an hour ago. I couldn't control myself. Z4 already confessed so I had to do the same if I still wanted a chance with Y/N.

Apparently, the first thing I thought of doing was to kiss Y/N. I figured it would catch her off guard so I could have her complete attention.

It turns out Y/N feels the same way towards me. I can't wait to rub it in Z4's pathetic idiot face, though Im pretty sure he'll be mad.

And Cruise will want to kill me once he finds out I kissed his sister. But Im not afraid of him. That fool can't even a handle a gun.

But for now, I think I should keep this a secret, except from Wesley and Willow, they're quiet enough to not tell anyone.

I smile to myself as I tell myself that Y/N is mine now and Z4 can't do anything about it. Another win for me.

I then turn off my phone and look at Y/N, who was sleeping without making any sound. I guess there's no harm in watching her sleep.

While watching her, I start to think about whats to come in the future. I think of a happy life with me and Y/N.

But then a thought crosses my mind: I still don't know what Y/N is hiding under that nerdy yet beautiful face of hers.

She knows a lot about me now but I barely know anything about her backstory. Will she tell me about it or do I have to ask her about it?

But I was interrupted by a whimpering sound. I look at Y/N who was now kicking in her sleep. What she was saying was more audible now:

"Please stop, I didn't do anything."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"What did I do to deserve this?"

It sounded as if she was being hurt by someone. I go over to her bed and cuddle Y/N in my arms but Y/N doesn't calm down.

"Shh, Y/N, its ok." I whisper in her ear while stroking her soft blonde hair. "Im here for you. You're gonna be fine."

I've never been this gentle to anyone in my life, not even my brother. Yet here I was, comforting a girl who's having a nightmare.

When she finally stopped kicking, Y/N huddled close to me. I tried to leave but when I did, Y/N would make a groaning sound.

So I decided to sleep beside her. I continue hugging Y/N until I fall asleep.


I pace around the living room while pondering about the events that happened. All the while, Cruise was watching me.

"Stop worrying too much about it." He said. I stop walking and look at him. "Easy for you to say. What if Y/N doesn't love me back?" I tell him.

"Pfft, Im sure she'll like you." Cruise smiled. "And if she doesn't?" I asked. My roommate shrugged. "There's other guys out there." He replied.

"Guys?" "Girls, I mean girls." Cruise looked away. I look away too and start thinking about what Y/N's decision would be.

From what Cruise told me, Y/N does have a chance with me. After all, its not like she has a crush on any other guy here anyway.


What if she did?

"Cruise, are you sure Y/N doesn't like anyone else besides me?" I asked my blonde-haired friend.

"As far as I know, I don't think Y/N has ever had a love interest." He answered. "But I could be wrong because Y/N is great at hiding her emotions."

"But who else could she possibly like?" I asked. Cruise shrugged. I sighed as I told myself that I might just be paranoid and overthinking about this.

But then one person came to my head. Someone who is around Y/N a lot. Someone who could be a possible threat to my relaitionship with Y/N.

"Cruise, do you think Y/N likes Cyrus?"

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