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Dick hops over to Paul and he picks him up. "Do you think Emilia will like her gift?" Asked Dick. "I do." Said Paul. "Then does this mean we're gonna have a Christmas?" Dick asked with a smile. "Absolutely!" Paul said.

The Kitchen

"Absolutely not!" Said Bruce. "Why not?" Asked Paul. "Out of the question. Not a chance. Dream on. Not any possibility, forget it!" Bruce said in an annoyed tone. "Master Bruce, get with the spirit! Unwind!" Said Alfred. "Come on, love, have a heart." Said Harriet. "I'm sorry, but this is where I put my foot down. Emilia has forbidden Christmas!" Said Bruce. "Forbid Christmas?! No one can forbid Christmas!" Paul said.

Cornelia bursts her head around the corner to eavesdrop. "Hmm, interesting." She said with a smirk. "She doesn't need to be reminded of her past, and Christmas is a most painful reminder of it. I, for one, don't wish to torture her." Bruce said. "I, for one, think that a little Christmas cheer would do her some good." Said Paul. "Paul's right, it's up to us to do something." Alfred said. "It's not our place to get involved. My answer remains the same, so let's just do ourselves a favor and mind our own business." Said Bruce.

Harriet rolls her eyes. "Pish-posh! I think it's a wonderful idea!" She said. "But Emilia doesn't want it! My home, my rules!" Bruce said. "It's not fair!" Said Dick frustratedly. "He's right, it's not fair!" Paul said. "Aw, try to lighten up, Paul." Said Bruce. "Sorry." Said Paul sadly. "Look at us, squabbling and bickering! Breaks my heart to see it, it does. And we used to be at our very best at Christmas! Why, we used to prep a feast for the whole manor." Harriet said.

Alfred's face lights up. "Ah, you could have some stuffed turkey..." He began. "Cranberry sauce." Paul said. "Short-bread cookies!" Dick said excitedly. "Mince pies." Said Alfred. "Pecan toast, gravy." Said Harriet. "And Christmas pudding!" Alfred said excitedly. "Pudding with custard?" Asked Bruce. "What do you think we are, barbarians? Of course with custard! And raisins, brandy... and all these things you like!" Said Alfred.

Bruce finally gives in. "Okay, fine!" He said. "Holy Christmas, I knew you'd agree!" Said Dick excitedly. "But if Emilia finds out about this, she'll be furious! Everybody, keep silent at all times." Bruce said. "Come on! What are we waiting for, Christmas?" Alfred asked. "Great Scott! We don't have much time! It's Christmas Eve!" Said Bruce worriedly. "I'll see to the dinner." Harriet said. "I'll get some mistletoe." Said Alfred. "We need to brighten this place up!" Said Paul. "Fear not, Master Paul! We know someone who will help." Alfred said. "Who's that?" Paul asked. "She's upstairs. Follow me!" Bruce said.

Paul follows Bruce and Alfred upstairs to meet the object who might be willing to help.

Beatle & The Beast: The Enchanted ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now