Paul Meets Cornelia

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"And now, for a little harp." Said the Joker. Cornelia plays her harp. The Joker steps out of the room and sees Paul walking down the hall. "Yes, my boy. Come to me." The Joker said. He slowly steps back into the room before Paul could see him.

Paul enters the room a minute later, but it looks as if no one's around. "P-p-perhaps there's nobody here. M-m-maybe we should go." Said Dick with fear. "Go? Now, Dick, there's nothing to be scared of." Said Paul as he comforted the terrified Dick, who's standing on his shoulder. "Scared? Who, me? I'm not scared." Dick said as he denied how he really felt.

Cornelia poked her head out, but quickly hid herself from Paul when she saw him and he saw her. "Are you hiding back there?" Paul asked. "I'm not hiding." Said Cornelia. "It looks like you are. Come out." Said Paul. "No, I'm too scared." Cornelia said. "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." Paul said tenderly. "Well, if you're sure." Said Cornelia.

After a long hesitation, Cornelia finally reveals herself to Paul. "Hello, I don't believe we've met. I'm Paul. What's your name?" Asked Paul. Cornelia clears her throat. "My name is Cornelia." She said. "It's very nice to meet you, Cornelia. Just moments ago, we heard the most beautiful music. Was it you?" Paul asked. Cornelia blushes. "Me? You thought that was me?" She asked. The Joker steps forward. "Sir, please. I'm the Joker, temporary court composer and your most humble servant." He said. "I remember you, but I'd rather not think about that moment." Said Paul. "I understand. Paul, is it?" Asked the Joker. "That's my name." Paul said.

"Ah, yes! Everyone in Wayne Manor is speaking about you, my boy. They say you're planning a Christmas Gala. Marvelous idea. The very idea to shatter Emilia's dark and gloomy past. But you must make this the grandest celebration ever. Have you any gifts?" The Joker said. "Yes." Said Paul. "Food?" Asked the Joker. "Yep!" Said Dick. "Garlands, ribbons, wreaths?" The Joker asked. "We've got all that." Paul said. "Spangles and fandangles? The trinkets, the trimmings, the trappings?" Asked the Joker. "Check and mate!" Dick said.

The Joker crosses his arms and smirks. "The tree?" He asked. "You see, Paul? I told ya!" Said Dick. "Well, we found one." Said Paul. "But it was on the piddling side of puny." Dick said. "But did you look in the black forest? There, you'll find a tree better than any you can ever dream of." The Joker said. "Better? We have to go, Paul! We have to!" Said Dick excitedly. "Dick, we can't. I promised Emilia I wouldn't leave the manor's property. I gave my word." Paul said. "Cheer up, son. There's a profound lesson here. Keeping your word is much more reluctant than bringing joy to another." Said the Joker.

Paul crosses his arms. "You're twisting what I said!" He said. "Not at all. I agree with you. Look after yourself. Let Emilia do the same. Never mind that the tree was always her favorite part of Christmas." The Joker said. Dick jumps off Paul's shoulder and lands on his hand. "Please, Paul, pleeeeaaase?" Dick said desperately. "It looks dangerous." Said Paul nervously. "Young man, you're in more danger in this very room, I assure you." Said the Joker. Paul was quiet for a moment, but spoke eventually. "Very well." He said. "Yes!" Said Dick excitedly. "If we hurry, we can be back by nightfall." Paul said. "Holy black forest, this is so exciting!" Dick said while hopping up and down on Paul's hand.

"Goodbye, Mr. Joker. You'll keep my secret, won't you?" Asked Paul. "Of course, sir. Emilia will remain fully in the dark." Said the Joker. "Bye, Cornelia." Paul said before leaving.

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