The Black Forest

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Main Hall

"No, no, no! You cannot make bells with holly. Yet I have to admit... not bad for amateurs." Said Barbara to the decorations. Emilia enters the room in a rage, knocking all the decorations down. "I knew this was hopeless." Barbara said sadly.

The Black Forest

Paul and Dick have finally entered the black forest, coming face to face with the perfect Christmas tree. "There! That's it! That's it!!" Said Dick excitedly. "Oh, Dick, it's perfect!" Said Paul with a smile. He carefully walks across a patch of ice to get the tree.


Bruce and Alfred are still searching for Paul. "Do you see him?" Asked Bruce. "Not yet. Now come along, hurry up!" Said Alfred. The two jump onto a nearby sled and slide through the snow.

Elsewhere, Dick is still hypnotized by the tree. "It's the best tree ever!" He said. "It certainly is! Now we better head back to Wayne Manor, it's getting stormy." Paul said.

Cornelia catches up to the two, but stays out of sight. "Oh, I have to do something! Joker's counting on me!" She said. Paul suddenly sees her. "Cornelia?" He said. "Uh... hi, Paul. Nice tree." Said Cornelia awkwardly. "What are you doing way out here?" Asked Paul. Cornelia rubs the back of her neck. "Ah, nothing. I was just, um... walking. I mean, I love the bitter cold." She said.

The ice below the tree suddenly begins to break. "Oh dear!" Paul cried. "The tree, Paul! We're gonna lose the tree!" Dick yelled. He sudden falls into the water. "Dick, no!" Said Paul worriedly. Although he was super hesitant to go into the icy water, Paul knew he had to save his new friend. Being the brave person he is, Paul jumps into the water to get Dick.

At the same time, Bruce and Alfred arrive onto the scene. They saw they whole thing. "Hang on, Paul, we're coming!" Bruce said. Cornelia, who was once again staying out of sight, watches in horror. "Oh dear, oh dear! Oh my heavens! Oh dear!" She said worriedly. Alfred grabs a rope that's attached to the sled. "Master Bruce, help me pull Master Paul up!" He said. Bruce did was he was told as the rope dropped into the water.

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