The Best Christmas Of All (Finale)

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The objects gather into the main hall, where it's all beautifully decorated. "Oh yes, it's lovely." Said Harriet with a smile. "And you said it was impossible." Said Alfred. "No, I said it was impossible... without me." Said Barbara with a smirk. "Everyone, hush! Here they come!" Said Bruce. "Holy joyfulness!" Said Dick.

Emilia and Paul enter the room wearing their fancy clothes, Paul with his blue suit and Emilia with her red gown. "The setting is perfect. Oh, aren't they beautiful?" Said Cornelia. Emilia shows Paul the beautifully decorated Christmas tree. "It's wonderful!" Said Paul happily.

Present Day

"And what a wonderful Christmas it was. I suppose if anyone saved Christmas, it was Paul." Harriet said. "That was a great story, Aunt Harriet!" Dick said with a smile. "A marvelous story, indeed!" Alfred said. "Definitely one of the wildest Christmases ever!" Bruce said.

Paul and Emilia enter the room, all dressed in Christmas colors. Emilia is wearing a red velvet long sleeved dress with a skirt that reached her knees, along with black high heeled shoes to match. As for Paul, he has on a green suit jacket with a red Christmas plaid tie.

Emilia's dress:

Emilia's shoes:

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Emilia's shoes:

Emilia's shoes:

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Paul's jacket:

Paul's jacket:

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Paul's tie:

"Merry Christmas, one and all!" Said Emilia

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"Merry Christmas, one and all!" Said Emilia. Bruce and the others approach the happy couple. "I believe we have a little something for you, Dick." Paul said. "A present? Oh boy, thank you!" Said Dick. Emilia hands Dick a gift with blue wrapping paper and a red bow. He opens it to reveal a book. "Look, Aunt Harriet, a storybook! Will you read it to me?" He asked. "I'd love to, dear nephew." Said Harriet. "Holy Shakespeare!" Dick said excitedly.

Emilia clears her throat. "Cornelia?" She said. Everyone turns their attention to Cornelia, who stopped working with the Joker. "Yes, Emilia?" Cornelia asked. "Would you do us the honor, old friend?" Emilia asked. "I'd be delighted!" Said Cornelia with a smile. Before she could set the mood with music, Dick stands up. "Wait a minute! Can I do something first?" He asked. "What's on your mind, Dick, old chum?" Asked Bruce.

Dick approaches Cornelia and clears his throat. "Cornelia, even though you worked with the Joker, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. From the moment I first saw your pretty face, my stomach filled with butterflies, my palms became sweaty, and my heart began to beat fast. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else but you, which brings me to what I'm about to ask you right this very minute." He said. Dick gets down on one knee, pulls out a tiny box, and opens it to reveal a ring. "Cornelia, will you marry me?" He asked.

Cornelia puts her hands over her mouth as happy tears filled her eyes. After a moment of silence, she finally speaks. "Yes!!!" She said excitedly. Everyone in the room cheers as Dick takes the ring out of the box and slips it onto Cornelia's finger. The newly engaged couple then shares a kiss, causing the crowd to break into awww's.

After the romantic embrace breaks up, Cornelia walks over to the harp with Dick following behind, and she sets the entire mood with her music. Dick sits next to his new fiancè as she plays the harp.

Elsewhere, Emilia leads Paul out onto the balcony and gives him a gift. He opens it and finds a brand new hofner bass. "How did you...?" Said Paul as he trailed off. "I know how much you enjoy making music, and that you're the bassist in your band. So I figured I'd get you a new bass. That way, you'll have an extra in case your other one gets worn out or breaks." Said Emilia. "That's very sweet of you, Emilia. Thank you." Paul said with a smile. "You're welcome." Emilia said.

Paul then gives Emilia a gift. She opens it and finds a single rose. "Oh my gosh, Paul! This is the most beautiful rose I've ever seen!" Said Emilia excitedly. "Do you like it?" Asked Paul. "Are you kidding me?! I don't like it, I absolutely love it!" Emilia said with the biggest smile on her face. "I remember you telling me how roses are your favorite type of flower, so I picked this one especially for you." Paul said. "It even resembles the enchanted rose I had from when I was still a beast." Said Emilia. "But now when you look at this rose, it'll always remind you of our love for each other." Said Paul.

Tears of joy fill up Emilia's eyes, then she and Paul lean in for a kiss. The embrace breaks up a minute later, and the two turn and look out at the night heavens together.

The End

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