Christmas Tree Hunt

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Paul stops by Emilia's lair and drops off his gift for her. It's a book that he wrote himself. Paul puts it by the enchanted rose. Dick was keeping watch, until he saw Emilia approaching. "Psst! Paul, Emilia's coming! Hurry up!" Said Dick through a whisper. Paul leaves just in the nick of time as Emilia enters.

Outside Wayne Manor

The hunt for a Christmas tree is on. Paul looks at the first tree he sees. "What do you think of this one, Dick?" He asked. Dick makes a suspicious face. "Nah, too skinny." He said.

Emilia's Lair

Emilia watches Paul from her window, until Alfred enters the room. "Miss Emilia?" He said. "Hello, Alfred." Said Emilia quietly. Alfred looks out the window and follows Emilia's gaze. "Ah, he's handsome, no?" Asked Alfred, referring to Paul. "Yes, and I'm hideous." Emilia said with her fists clenched. "Not to mention ill-tempered." Alfred said under his breath. "What did you say?" Asked Emilia. "Nothing!" Said Alfred in alarm. "That's what I thought." Emilia said as she put her hands on her hips.

Something catches Alfred's eye. "Hey, look at this!" He said. "What? What is it?" Asked Emilia. She notices Paul's gift. "It looks like a Christmas present." Alfred said. Emilia rolls her eyes. "Oh, please." She scoffed. And she makes her way towards the balcony. "Oh, it's for you, Emilia! It's from... a boy!" Said Alfred as he read the tag. Emilia pauses. "Dick?" She asked. "No, from Paul!" Alfred said.

The sound of Paul's name put a smile on Emilia's face. "Oh boy! I wonder what he got me!" She said excitedly. Emilia picks up her gift and starts to open it, but Alfred stops her. "Ah-ah-ah, you can't open it!" He said. "Why not? It's for me, isn't it?" Emilia asked. "Because it's not yet Christmas." Said Alfred. "Ugh!" Said Emilia as she slapped her forehead in frustration. "Emilia, we all understand how you feel about Christmas, but if a man gives a woman a gift, he's saying 'I care about you.' Simple." Alfred said tenderly. "But I don't have a gift for him." Emilia said shamefully. "It's not too late to start." Said Alfred. "Well, I guess I could get him a little something." Said Emilia as she scratched her head. "That's the spirit!" Alfred said with a smile.

The perfect gift came to Emilia in a matter of seconds. She immediately makes her way into the room where the Joker was still playing the organ. "Joker, stop the noise!" Emilia said. "Noise? Noise?! This is my masterpiece!" Said the Joker angrily. "I want you to compose a song. It's a present for Paul." Said Emilia. "Paul?" The Joker said as he cocked his head. "Yes, and make it happy!" Emilia said before leaving the room. The Joker rubs his forehead overwhelmingly. "Oh, but happiness is so... depressing! What's next? Love songs?! Wedding marches?! It's all that boy's fault!!!" He said suddenly turning angry.


Paul and Dick were still Christmas tree hunting, but they had no luck in finding the perfect tree. "What about this one?" Asked Paul. "Um... too wiggly." Dick said. "Too... wiggly?" Paul asked with his hands on his hips.

Back Inside

"Cornelia, pay attention! I need you to pace if I think. The boy is evil, I warn you! He holds her from my grasp! He fills her head with dreams of love, hope, and Christmas!" Yelled the Joker. "Well, whatcha gonna do? You can't stop Christmas!" Said Cornelia with her arms crossed. "No, but I can stop the boy." The Joker said with a wicked smile. He laughs evilly afterwards.

Outside The Manor

Once again, the boys had zero success in finding the perfect tree. "Dick, this is the last one." Said Paul. "That's not it! That's just a weed, wishing it was a tree!" Said Dick. Paul groans. "Come on, we looked at every tree on the grounds." He said. "But it's more this way than that!" Dick said. "It'll have to do." Paul said. He raises his axe and starts chopping the tree. "Um, maybe you should get a saw." Said Dick.

Before Paul could say anything else, the sound of beautiful music occurs, which is coming from the Joker's organ. "What's that? It sounds beautiful." Said Paul. "But what about finding a tree?" Dick asked worriedly. "Calm down, Dick, we'll continue doing that in a bit! Right now, I wanna know where the music's coming from." Paul said. He and Dick walk back inside the manor a minute later.

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