A Yule Log

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The Boiler Room

Paul scrolls through the many different logs, until someone comes up from behind. "Paul?" Said the voice. Paul jumps in surprise after he heard his name, and noticed it was Bruce who snuck up on him. "Oh! Hi, Bruce! You surprised me!" Said Paul. "I didn't mean to scare you, lad. I just wanted to know what you're doing in the boiler room." Said Bruce. "I'm, uh... looking for a log." Paul said nervously. "A log, huh? Any type of wood in particular? Soft wood, birch, maple, pine, oak?" Bruce asked.

With so many choices to choose from, Paul becomes overwhelmed. "Um, it is alright if I just browse?" He asked. "By all means!" Said Bruce. He leaves the boiler room a minute later. At the same time, Paul finds the perfect log. Shortly thereafter, the boiler begins to overload, and Paul stands back to watch it. It lets out steam and cools off.

Emilia then enters. Paul quickly hides the log behind his back before she could see it. "What are you hiding?" Asked Emilia. Paul slowly reveals the log, and Emilia eyes it suspiciously. "It's a yule log." Said Paul. "A what?" Asked Emilia. "A yule log. It's a wonderful tradition. One log is chosen, then everyone in the house touches it and makes a Christmas wish." Paul said.

Emilia crosses her arms. "Wishes are stupid! You made a Christmas wish last year! IS THIS WHAT YOU WISHED FOR?!?!?!" She said angrily, causing the boiler room to shake. "No, but I'll keep wishing! And when the log is burned on Christmas morning..." Paul began, but Emilia cuts him off. "There won't be a Christmas!" She said. "But..." Paul said just as Emilia cuts him off again. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I'm in charge here!" She yelled. "How can you be so selfish?!" Asked Paul angrily. "You can't possibly understand! You have no idea what it's like to lose everything, to be trapped in a manor you don't live in, to be a... a..." Emilia began. "A prisoner? The only one holding us prisoner here is you! But I'm not giving up!" Paul said as he's on the verge of tears.

Filled with sadness and rage, Paul storms out of the boiler room and up to his room. He then flops onto his bed, finally letting his emotions out and cries. Dick hops in happily, not noticing how upset Paul is. "Hiya, Paul! You should see the main hall, it's all decorated and pretty and there's garlands everywhere! I think Emilia's gonna be really excited once she finds out about Christmas!" Said Dick. Paul sits up and wipes his eyes. "She already knows." He said. "Really? Was she excited?" Dick asked with a smile. "Actually, Dick, she's forbidden it." Said Paul sadly. Dick's smile fades into a frown. "But I thought she couldn't forbid Christmas." He said sadly.

Paul's face lights up. "You know, Dick... she can't! We'll have Christmas with or without her!" He said with a smile. "Holy snowball! Can we get a tree now, Paul? It's the only thing we're missing!" Said Dick as he hopped up and down excitedly. "Alright then, let's go get a tree! But there's one thing I gotta do first." Paul said.

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