As Long As There's Christmas

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Bruce led everyone to the attic of Wayne Manor. "One thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three... are we there yet?" Asked Dick as he counted the stairs. "Not yet." Said Paul. "Boy, there sure are a lot of stairs here! One thousand seven, one thousand eight, one thousand nine." Dick said as he continued counting. Little did Paul and the objects know, Cornelia followed them.

After finally reaching the attic, Paul looks around. "Hello? Hello?" He said. "Don't be afraid. Come on out so we can see you." Said Alfred. A tree topper that looks like an angel emerges from one of the boxes. "Bruce?" She said as she turned towards the head of the manor. "Barbara! How wonderful to see you, dear girl!" Said Bruce with a smile. "Ah, Bruce! Finally, I thought we were to be locked up in this dusty attic forever!" Said Barbara. "You're looking beautiful as always." Bruce said as he put his arm around Barbara. She pulls away. "Careful! You'll tarnish the halo!" She said.

Paul clears his throat. "Oh, sorry! This is Barbara Gordon. Barbara, I'd like you to meet Paul McCartney. He's our guest." Said Bruce. "Pleased to meet you, Barbara." Paul said. "You too, Paul." Barbara said. "Barbara, here, is the manor decorator." Said Bruce. "You mean, I was the manor decorator! I'm not responsible for this baroque atrocity! If I was in charge, the manor would be complete with light and beauty." Said Barbara. "That's why we're here. Gather round, my children, we are planning the greatest Christmas celebration ever!" Alfred said. More ornaments emerge from other boxes and cheer.

Cornelia was watching the whole thing. "Boy, what will Emilia think about this?" She thought to herself. Just so no one sees her, she quietly tiptoes to the nearest hiding place.

"No, stop!" Barbara yelled. "What's the matter, Miss Barbara?" Asked Alfred. "Why do you raise my hopes? I mean, um, their hopes. Only to have them dashed? Well, no more!" Said Barbara in an annoyed tone. The ornaments turn away in disappointment. "But it's Christmas Eve! Without you, we'll never get the manor decorated in time!" Cried Paul. "Ha! Christmas! I refuse to hope for it anymore! I will not be disappointed again!" Barbara snapped.

Alfred sighs. "But this is to be the greatest celebration ever! We cannot do it without you!" He said. "But of course, you cannot. Christmas takes planning and organization. No, I won't do it! It won't change anything!" Said Barbara. Paul steps forward. "I believe it will." He said.

Paul sings to make his point.

Paul: There is more to this time of year
Than sleigh bells and holly
Mistletoe and snow
Those things come and go
Much deeper than snow
Stronger than the strongest love we'll know
We'll ever know

As long as there's Christmas I truly believe
That hope is the greatest of the gifts we'll receive
As long as there's Christmas we'll all be just fine
A star shines above us
Lighting your way
And mine

Bruce: Just as long as there's Christmas
There'll be Christmas pud
Tons of turkey...

Harriet: And cranberry sauce
And mince pies if we're good

Alfred: Loads of logs on the fire

Ornaments: Lots of gifts on the tree
All wrapped up in red ribbons...

Dick: Wonder if there's one for me

Bruce: We're due for a party
Where on earth do we start?

Harriet: I may wear my tiara
You bought me in Monmartre

Bruce: All the silver will sparkle...

Harriet: And the china will gleam

Alfred: And we'll all be as shiny
As a brand-new centime

Dick: After dinner, we'll play games...

Harriet: Till the morning breaks through

Alfred: Then we'll meet in the garden
This is what we shall do

Dick: We will build a snowman
That will reach to the sky

Paul: It will stay up until July

Alfred draws a Christmas tree with a match, and everyone cheers. Elsewhere, Barbara gets picked up. "What are you doing? Stop, stop, stop! Put me down! Put me down! Ugh, this is ridiculous! Everyone knows that the lights go ahead first! I don't wanna go all the way up there on the top!" She said in an annoyed tone.

Barbara gets put on the top of the almost finished homemade Christmas tree, much to her dismay.

As for everyone else, they continued to sing.

Ensemble: As long as there's Christmas I truly believe
That hope is the greatest of the gifts we'll receive

As long as there's Christmas we'll all be just fine
There'll always be Christmas

Paul: So there always will be a time
When the world is filled with peace and love

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