Sprace- This Is Sad

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Manhattan was dark.

Not the peaceful kind of darkness.

Nor the lively kind.

It was the kind of dark that curdles your stomach and sets you on edge. It was the kind of dark that twists shadows and hides criminals. It was the kind of dark that sends rats scurrying away in terror.

It was the kind of dark where everyone can tell that something's wrong.

Even if no one's around to sense it.


Two boys were running through Manhattan's dark streets, splashing through puddles as they bolted through side streets and back alleys. Eventually, they stopped on the doorstep of a dirty building. The shorter of the two knocked with authority, while his companion shifted anxiously.

The door was opened by a tired looking boy in a blue shirt.

"Spot." Jack said solemnly. "Thanks for comin'."

Spot Conlon nodded curtly, lips pressed together in a firm frown.

Jack turned to the boy behind Spot and nodded gratefully. "Lantern. Good ta see ya."

"Where's Charlie?" The messenger prompted, ignoring the greeting.

Jack jutted his chin towards a doorway. "Kitchen."

And Lantern disappeared.

"What happened?" Spot asked gruffly.

Jack sighed. "That's a long story. Sit down?"

"I don't care, Kelly." The Brooklyn leader snarled. "Just tell me what happened."

Jack adjusted his hat. "Crutch and Al know more than I do."

"Take me to 'em then." Spot said impatiently.

Jack jerked a head towards a doorway, and the two entered the kitchen/dining room.

Most of the Newsies were compressed to one end of the table. Crutchie was next to Romeo, Lantern standing by his side. Specs sat between Romeo and Elmer, a comforting arm around the latter while the former glanced around nervously. Finch was on Elmer's other side, eyes bloodshot as he stared at the wall opposite. And Albert sat beside Finch, away from everyone else.

Jack cleared his throat quietly. "Crutchie, you mind tellin' Spot what happened?"

Crutchie spoke hoarsely. "How much does 'e know?"

"Not mu-"

"Nothing!" Spot slammed a fist on the table, causing Elmer to flinch. "All I know is something's happened ta Race, but no one's tellin' me what!"

It was Albert who spoke up, dull eyes fixed on the table.

"He's dead."

Spot froze. "Who's what?"

Albert lifted his head to meet Spot's fiery eyes, his own gaze coldly calm in an unnerving way.

"Racetrack's dead."


'No. Not real. Stop it. It can't- You aren't-... Why- Stop it. Stop it. Stop it stop it stop it stopitstopitstopitstopitstopitstopitstopitstop-'

"How?" Spot bit out from under his muddled thoughts.

Crutchie sighed. "It's... a long story-"

"He got took ta the Refuge, and he killed himself." Albert stated flatly.

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