The Fallen Empire Awakens

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In Wyoming, or rather, below it.

Scientist 1: "Yep, we are screwed, the general will hang us from the highest post, we are going to get executed by firing squad, or sent to the wasteland with only our current clothes..." He said with one hand scratching his head and the other twitching as he put a cigarette on his lips.

Scientist 2: "But we got something out of this, those pocket size computers, how those creatures call it?"

Scientist 1: "Cell phones?"

Scientist 2: "Yea that, those are damn useful if you ask me, also that we found a shit ton of resources there, the general liked that at least."

Scientist 1: "You think so?" *Slaps the back head of the other scientist.*

Scientist 2: "Ow!"

Scientist 1: "It's not enough you fucking idiot. And for the resources? That just made it worst! Imagine how the general felt after hearing on the other side we found copper, aluminum, natural gas, even that ultracite mineral that only appeared in the east coast, all that at just like 2m below the surface, no wait, scratch that, AT THE SURFACE, RIGHT INFRONT OF OUR EYES BUT CAN'T REACH IT BECAUSE THE DAMN PORTAL KEEPS OPENING AT RANDOM LOCATIONS EACH FUCKING TIME!"

Scientist 3: We can't find a pattern...

Scientist 1: "Yea, we tried blood amount, blood quality, time of the day, day of the week, DAY OF THE MONTH!"

Scientist 2: "What about day of the year?"

Scientist 1: ... *Slaps him again* "We already spent a month on this... We don't have a year! God forsake that is true, so don't jinx it!"

Dr. Valerie: "Alright alright, enough! This will get us no where, now shut up and think!" She said while looking at the whiteboard filled with countless calculations and illustrations, among it one of the portal itself. Everyone went back to think of a solution, the silence flood the room, only some muffled sounds from the outside can be heard.

Scientist 1: *Sigh* "This is bad... really bad... and you!" *He points at a scientist that has been playing with his pencil the whole time in silence watching some notes on the giant mess of papers, coffee mugs, among other stuff.* "Talk or something!!" But the other scientist just ignored him and kept doing what he was doing. *Sigh*

The silent man grabbed his mug and stood up to get another cup, he grabbed the glass recipient full of coffee and prepared to pour it on his cup, he looked at it and the reflection of his face before letting out a sigh, he saw it again, but something caught her eye he stop short and look at the reflection of the drawing of the portal, he turned around and look it directly, then back at the reflection again. He walked back to the table filled with papers, and grabbed one with a photo, it was taken by one robobrains they sent to the other side to slightly look its surroundings, a probe.

"Guys...I got an idea"

Everyone including Dr. Valerie turned around to see him.

"What if, we draw on the other side, a reflection of the portal, like its mirrored?"

Everyone stayed silent

Scientist 1: "Man...if you are high on something...I SWEAR TO...!"

Scientist 3: "No no, I'm serious, look!" He said while showing the photo "On the other side the portal is mirrored, so my theory is that if we draw that in the other side...maybe it will link both the entrance and the exit where we want?"

Dr. Valerie: "But what would happen if there is more than one "mirrored" portal on the other side."

Scientist 3: "Well...I would assume it would just make it a 50% chance of getting the right one if there are 2, and the chance decrease the more they are?" He said with a shrug.

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