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Since its been to long since the last time I uploaded and its gonna take a little more since I had to rewrite it since I didn't like where it was going...twice... so have these 3 random shorts in the meantime. They are non linear in time and assume they happened at some point before, during, or after the story.


At the Army's checkpoint on the highway

Guard #1: ...

Guard #2: ...

Guard #1: ...

Guard #2: *Yawn*

A tumbleweed rolls in front of them.

Guard #1: "Man this is boring, even more than usual. Hey I got an idea, I'll thing something and you try to continue it and then me again and so on."

Guard #2: "Hmm.. yea sure. Go"

Guard #1: *Clears throat* "Emm... alright:

♫We are dudes♫

♫Just dudes♫

♫In power armor suits!♫

♫Yeah... ♫

♫Oh yeah...♫

♫We are here♫

♫To watch♫

♫The base from demonic crap♫


♫Oh yeah...♫

The other guard followed

Guard #2: ♫Whether is a demon...♫

♫Bullet proof with tentacles♫

♫Or a racooon...♫

♫That got extra eyes and eating cables♫

♫We are heeere♫

♫Doing all the job♫

♫While Ryaaan... got a cozy job♫

♫In time like these...♫

♫In time like these yea...♫

♫Oh yeah...♫

Guard #1: "Speaking of the devil..."

The second guard looks at the same direction where the lieutenant walk to them.

Guard #1: "What? Your ass got square from sitting all day?"

Ryan: "Fuck off." He then stood in front of them. "It's boring hearing static all day."

Guard #2: "Well, its the same here, nothing happens. Not that I'm complaining, like I said before, I prefer doing this boring job than going around waiting to get shot."

Guard #1: "Oh that's for sure. But I would like one more dynamic to be honest I would prefer moving boxes around the base's storage than watching the literal nothing, like seriously, not even a small hill is out there."

Ryan: "Yeah...hmmm, question for you, would you rather be station here, in literal Hell, where demonic stuff roams around and all that crap, or be stationed at the Sea of Tranquility?

Guard #1: "Sea of what?"

Guard #2: "Bro, the moon, remember history class."

Guard #1: "Oh yea, that cluster fuck in space where everyone was involved, that's a good question, hmmm, we won that one, no?"

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