Chapter 15...

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A u t h o r

You can hear giggling and laughing from the class as every student waited for their New Science teacher to arrive..

Their previous teacher was a little to strict and that's why every students were happy that he got transfered and now they are looking forward to see their new teacher..

Maybe some handsome and dashing professor they are going to get..just like those movies..
This were the thoughts of many girls as they giggled to themselves

And then there was a whole different story at the backbench of class

Bondita pressed her lips tight to restrain herself from laughing loudly

As Kartik had promised Kashish to help her in her assignments, so he was sitting beside her and Bondita thought to accompany them towards last bench..

First Kartik was continuously complaining about leaving his first bench and sitting at backbench.. And now when he is helping Kashish in her assignments, she is just twirling her pencil.. Making Kartik annoyed..

And it was quite entertaining for Bondita, at how cute Kashish and Kartik looked together.. Even though they hated each other's guts

"Are you even listening me? I am trying to tell you how to solve this equation for almost 15mins but all you are doing is sitting there like a dumbo.. " Kartik snapped angrily

"Watch your mouth boy... " Kashish said coldly

"Why should I watch my mouth, i am trying to teach you, it's you who should keep her mouth shut and listen to me.. " Kartik tried to glare and failed miserably

"You look like a monkey so don't try to intimidate me, because I will be the only dominant one between us.. Forever" Kashish growled

"You.. You.. " Kartik stammered

"Good morning childrens" The whole class went silent listening to the over enthusiatic voice

There stood a man almost in his late 40s with big belly and a very annoying smile

"I am your new Science teacher my childs.. " He spoke crushing many girls imagination of having a hot professor

"This old man is our teacher.. " One girl whispered angrily

"You all can call me Mr. Sharma.. And since I have introduced myself to you all.. You all should introduce yourself too.. Let's start from.. You miss? " Mr. Sharma spoke pointing directly towards Bondita who stood up nervously

"Uhm.. My name is Bondita Rai sir.. " Bondita whispered slowly, she still wasn't familiar in talking loudly

"Sorry dear, I didn't catch it.. " Sharma smiled a way to sweet smile and eyed Bondita up to down, making Kashish clench her jaw and fist

"She said her name is Bondita.. " Kashish gritted loudly making professor to look at her with interest

" can sit miss Bondita.. " Mr Sharma exclaimed his eyes still roaming all over Bondita's body making her uncomfortable

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