Chapter 17..

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"Anirudh babu this is the 10th Balloon you have bursted in just 10 mins.. " Bondita spoke completely annoyed

It was the day of Pihu's Birthday and according to their plan Bondita had come to Anirudh's house with Kashish and Kartik after pihu left the house with her friends

It was a surprise for their little sister

"There's something wrong with this balloons Bondita, it's not my fault.. " Anirudh spoke glaring at the balloons

"There's nothing wrong with balloons you are just blowing it too much.. " Bondita spoke shaking her head

"There..see.." Bondita spoke showing Anirudh how to blow balloons

"How come they burst when I blow them, they are just favouring you over me.. " Anirudh mumbled looking at the balloons like they had just betrayed him

Bondita laughed

"You are a big- gaint baby.. " Bondita spoke ruffling his hairs

"Really..? " Anirudh asked raising his brows in challenge

"Hmm.. Really.. " Bondita mumbled smiling at him innocently

"You know this baby can do a lot of things.. " Anirudh spoke huskily walking closer to her

"Like? " Bondita asked curiously tilting her head

"Like.. " Anirudh murmured smirking and leaned his face closer to hers

Bondita blinked
And watched as Anirudh cupped her cheeks and kissed on her forehead

Bondita closed her eyes keeping her hands on his chest and breathed heavily, his coffee filled scent engulfing her in its warmth

Trailing his lips Anirudh kissed on her cheeks one by one, Bondita's fists tightened on his shirt

"Anirudh babu.. " Bondita whispered breathlessly feeling his soft lips on her tempting cheeks

Anirudh lifted his face and looked at her face
Bondita opened her eyes not feeling him

Both of them kept looking at each other and started leaning towards each other in daze



Both of them got startled and moved away from each other
Bondita blushed downing her head and Anirudh made a sound of annoyance shaking his head

"I.. I will..go.. And see if.. If the cake is ready.. " And with that Bondita almost sprinted towards kitchen

Anirudh looked at her retreating figure with a small smile on his face a red hue preasent on his cheeks too..


"What are you doing? "

"Melting the chocolate.. "

"This is not how the chocolate melts.. "

"Well.. Do it yourself then.. "

"Ughh.. You are no use.. "
Kartik spoke in irritation looking at Kashish as she 'took no stole' some chocolate from the baking bowl and started eating them

"I already told you I have a long distance relationship with kitchen.. " Kashish spoke shrugging her shoulders enjoying her chocolate

Kartik looked at her a ghost of a smile came upto his lips seeing Kashish eating chocolate like a little girl

"How can someone have so many shades.. " Kartik wondered

"What are you looking at.. " Kashish 's voice broke his reverie and he looked at her pressing his lips to contain his laughter

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