You matter💕

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"Bondita? " Anirudh called her as they walked hand in hand inside their school

"Yes? "

"You are okay right? " Anirudh asked softly turning to her

"I am okay Anirudh babu, afterall I have you beside me, why would I not feel okay " Bondita spoke giving Anirudh a cheeky smile and Anirudh matched her smile taking her in his embrace

"You trust me so much Bondita.. " Anirudh mumbled in her hairs

"Because I know, I can trust you even when I am dying.. " Bondita mumbled pulling away from the hug

"BONDITA, DON'T SPEAK NON-SENSE.. EVEN DEATH WILL HAVE TO FACE ME BEFORE COMING TO YOU.. " Anirudh roared looking directly in her eyes

"Uhm.. I was just joking Anirudh babu.. " Bondita said giving an innocent laugh

"Then I don't like this joke Bondita.. " Anirudh said sternly but his voice still had a little softness

"Ok.. I am sorry.. " Bondita said while holding her ears and making puppy eyes

Anirudh sighed rubbing his face and then shaking his head, he held Bondita's hands in his and brought then to his lips kissing them softly which made Bondita blush furiously

"Don't say sorry Bondita, it's just I can't even think of living my life without you being in it.. Heck you are like that missing part of my heart without whom I will be left like a living corpse.. And I can't afford that, I can't afford losing you.. " Anirudh spoke caressing Bondita's cheeks, Bondita looked at him in awe falling more and more in love with him by every second of her life

"Do you love me this much Anirudh babu? " Bondita asked looking in his eyes which held only love for her

"Do I have to prove it Bondita? " Anirudh asked playfully raising his brows

"You can prove your love later, Buddy..Right now I need you to leave Bondita alone and go to your classroom and Bondita do you really want to get punished or what? It's almost time for school to start and you are being here all lovey-dovey..God how do this lovesick people do these cringe things?..and why do I always suffer seeing them? I am gonna fall sick.." Kashish blabbered as she pulled Bondita with herself towards their classroom, startling both Anirudh and Bondita

"HEY!! HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY GIRL.. " Anirudh shouted looking wide eyed at Kashish as she continued pulling Bondita with  herself

"FUCK OFF.. " Kashish yelled back showing her middle finger which made Bondita gasp

"ATLEAST HOLD HER GENTLY.. " Anirudh yelled again looking at Bondita like a lost puppy

"I SAID FUCK OFF... " Kashish yelled again but this time she actually held Bondita's wrist softly

"HAH! I WILL GET YOU FOR THAT " Anirudh yelled glaring holes at Kashish's back

"WE WILL SEE THAT.. " Kashish spoke smirking

While Bondita just smiled amusingly looking at their banter


Murmurs were heard as Bondita entered inside her classroom.. Not much to her surprise, students here always found one thing or another to talk about..

"Bondita.. " Kartik came forward as soon as Bondita sat on her desk followed by Kashish who looked at Kartik and then leaned back on her chair tapping her foot

"Kartik.. Good morning.. " Bondita spoke giving him a bright smile which wasn't returned, in fact Kartik was looking down at his shoes fidling with his fingers

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