Why can't I?

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As the sun rose and prevailed the world with its lights waking up the living beings

And Someone woke up too but with violent mood

"Ahh..Fuck!! " Kashish groaned rolling over the bed

"You are finally awake?" Kartik asked entering inside the room

Kashish pried open her eyes and squinted them at Kartik who was holding a glass of water

"What the fuck are you doing in my room.." Kashish asked narrowing her eyes at him

Kartik couldn't hold in his amused smile, as he watched her sitting up in bed and curse again while holding her head..

"You shouldn't drink, you know.." Kartik spoke as he walked towards his bedside table and picked up a medicine from there

"Here, have this it will help in your headache.." Kartik said while forwarding her the medicine and glass of water

Kashish without any word took it and gulped the medicine, again laying on the bed whilst holding the pillow..

"This isn't my room..?" Kashish mumbled frowning

"It's my room.." Kartik spoke wearing his specs

"Then what the fuck I am doing here.." Kashish asked angrily

Kartik was about to reply when his room door flew open and in came smiling aunty urf Yamini holding a tray

"Can I come in? " Yamini asked giving her son a teasing look as she saw Kashish still laying on bed and Kartik standing in front of bed

"Mom..? Please..." Kartik groaned as Kashish rolled her eyes in annoyance

"Whatever..Here, I thought you both must be hungry, so I brought the breakfast, but I couldn't bring two plates, sorry Kartik, Sorry Darling.. Kartik's grandma is sitting in front of dining table and I swear she has eyes of hawk's if she would have seen me bringing two plates of food in Kartik's room she would have gotten suspicious..please eat from one plate for now.." Yamini spoke giving an apologetic look

"It's ok mom, Kashish can have breakfast for now I will eat later.." Kartik like a mature guy he is gave his mother a warm smile taking the plate of food in his hand

"You don't have to do anything like that..I will just go my home.." Kashish exclaimed and stood up from the bed ,her head still pounding from the hangover

"NO YOU CAN'T.." Kartik and Yamini yelled together in panic and Kashish looked at them raising her brows

"And why can't I?" Kashish asked with her intimidating glare which was directed on the mother-son duo

"If you wish to marry my son, this soon and make me mother-in-law then I have no problem sweetie, I will totally support you..but if you don't want to marry my son this early..then you will stay in this room until his grandma doesn't leaves, but you don't have to worry she will be leaving in few hours only.. "
Yamini rambled as Kashish continued glaring at Kartik who was shifting from one foot to another nervously

"FINE.." Kashish growled loudly which made both mother-son duo to jump a little

"Ok..good, I will go now eat the breakfast both of you..." Yamini smiled awkwardly and left as fast as possible leaving Kartik to deal with the wild lioness

Kashish plopped on the bed again and looked at Kartik raising her brows..

"You.. sh..ould eat the.. breakfast.." Kartik stuttered and placed the breakfast plate in front of Kashish

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