Revenge is Sweet?

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Few days ago*

"Where? Where did he touch you?" Anita asked looking at Kashish's body

After leaving the park Anita had dragged Kashish to her house and had bombarded her with questions asking about Kartik, Kashish had lied everything obviously but still Anita was being a pyschopath that she is

"Tell me darling, where did he touch you?" Anita asked again holding Kashish's shoulder

"Anita, I told you he didn't touch me..why can't you understand anything.." Kashish spoke in exasperation

"I saw him touching you.." Anita gritted out darkly glaring at Kashish

"It was not him, it was me who held his collar, now drop the topic and let me go home..." Kashish yelled losing her patience

"First sweet darling don't you dare raise your voice at me..secondly are you defending that boy from me?" Anita asked holding Kashish's throat

Kashish glared at her

"Even if I am defending him, what would you do?" Kashish asked as Anita's grip tightened on her throat

"Are you forgetting something babe? Let me remind you then your dear little innocent Bondita's pictures are still in my hands, now you know I can do a lot baby..." Anita spoke smiling sweetly as if she wasn't just choking the girl whom she claimed to love

"I am saying truth Anita, I was the only one who held his collar in anger he didn't touch me anywhere.." Kashish spoke gritting her teeth as she felt the air supply in her system getting cut by Anita's grip

Anita was a complete psychopath if she came to know that Kartik had held Kashish's shoulder then only god knows what Anita would have done with Kartik, maybe humiliated him too and Kashish couldn't let that happen, don't ask her why..

"So, you were the one who held his collar in anger? hmm? I can't blame you then, it happens in anger we lose our control so it's ok baby.." Anita spoke and left

"But your hand got unhygienic after touching him, now we need to hygiene your hands.." Anita mumbled caressing Kashish's neck and kissing it and then walked towards the kitchen leaving Kashish alone

Kashish harshly rubbed her neck where Anita kissed, god this is going to be her lifelong nightmare..

"Kashish baby come here..." Anita called from inside and Kashish sighed

'If only I was not this helpless' Kashish thought walking inside the kitchen there she saw Anita standing near the kitchen counter and a bowl filled with water kept on the counter

"Babe..we need to hygiene your hands..please put your hand in this water love.." Anita spoke softly forwarding the bowl towards Kashish

"What is this Anita?" Kashish asked quizzically looking at the water

"Oh nothing, I have just poured germ repellent in it to hygiene your hands,now put your hands in it please.."
Anita said and Kashish hesitantly kept her hands inside the bowl

Kashish groaned when she felt the water was hot and her hands started to burn, she tried to pull her hands out of the bowl but Anita held her hands in place by holding her forearms

"What are you doing baby, don't pull your hands out of the bowl..I know it's hot but whatever I do is for your own good, right?" Anita spoke as she wiped the tear which fell from Kashish's eye

"You will regret everything Anita.." Kashish thought closing her eyes as her whole hand turned red and started to swell


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