Love test?

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Authors Pov:

"Excuse me? " Kashish called the women behind the desk to get her attention

"Yes? " The women asked completely ignoring her

"Can I know where is Bondita Rai's room, I am her friend and I came here to visit her.. " Kashish asked a little harshly because of the women's ignorance

"This is not a visiting day, so, no you can't meet her.. " The women said waving her hand

"But I am not a visitor, I am her friend and if you can't tell me where is her room, then guess what fuck you because I would care less.." Kashish spoke and whispered the last part, she then started walking inside the hostel leaving the stunned women behind

As she walked in she came face to face with the warden of the hostel who looked at Kashish raising her brows

"Well hello? Who might you be? " The warden asked as the girls of the hostel stopped whatever they were doing and looked at Kashish with shocked expressions

"I am here to meet Bondita.. Can you tell me where her room is? " Kashish spoke with a sigh, the last day was way too tiring and now when all she wants to do is meet Bondita, make sure she is okay and then go her home and sleep, everyone here are stopping her to ask silly question

Obviously if someone is here then definitely they are here for something important.. After all no one wants to stay In between this stupid girls who starts drooling over every person they see.. IDIOTS.. " Kashish thought as she glared at the girls who were looking at her with lovey-dovey eyes or with disgusted looks

Like literally

"Ah.. Bondita? Are you her friend? " The warden asked looking at Kashish who shrugged with a nod

"Ok dear, come with me I will show you her room.. You might as well make her eat something.. I don't know what's wrong with her but since yesterday she wouldn't come out of her room.. "  The warden spoke as she guided Kashish away from all the girls and towards Bondita's room

"That's it sweetie, this is Bondita's room, go and talk to her.. " Giving Kashish one final kind smile the warden left her alone

Kashish looked at the door and after contemplating if she should knock on the door or not, she finally opened the door

"Bondita? " Kashish called her slowly as Bondita's back was facing her and she didn't wanted to startle Bondita

"Bondita? " Kashish called again seeing her not responding walking closer to her Kashish's eyes widened as she saw silent tears flowing down Bondita's eyes

" Oh god Bondita... " Kashish exclaimed as she made Bondita to look at herself

"Why are you crying Bondita? " Kashish asked wiping her tears and making her sit on the bed

"Ka.. Kashish I can't The feeling.. That.. That someone.. That someone is trying to come near me.. Nightmares.. I.. I " Bondita spoke hiccuping and sobbing but Kashish cut her off

"Shh.. Idiot girl... Aren't you strong? Shouldn't you fight against your nightmares? Your fear? Hmm? Bondita this nightmares, they are trying to take away your sleep, they are trying to take the place of your beautiful dreams, then tell me what would you prefer a nightmare filled with dreadful memories or a beautiful dream, filled with you and Your Anirudh Babu? Hmm? Then shouldn't you think of good rather than bad? I know it's hard to let go of it so easily, but crying and stopping to eat would it help you? No.. Bondita you have a lot to think about.. All you have to do is distract yourself and for that you have to come out of your room..Eat healthy food, laugh, live and even cry if you want to but always remember you have a lot of beautiful things to think about so don't waste your time, energy or everything in remembering bad memories.. Ok? "
Kashish spoke untangling Bondita's tangled hairs

THe LoVe TraP (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ